Saturday, April 30, 2011


 Praise the LORD!!!

   FAITH, we all should know the Bible's interpretation of it! Hebrews 11:1. But truly, how do we exhibit it in our daily lives, is the question that should concern us the most. For it is through our faith in GOD and HIS promises to us, that the world around us sees JESUS within us!!!

  "Faith is not a once-done act, but a continuous gaze of the heart at the Triune God." (A. W. Tozer) Do we reveal our faith in our daily walk? Is it our concrete belief in GOD and HIS providence in our lives that is revealed through our actions and words?

    As some of you may know, if you attend to my writings and post, that within several days, I may be homeless. Now, it's not because I've not been working that this is about to happen. Because I've spent most of the last month helping people with work that others had left unfinished or messed up. Part of the ministry's works are to assist people, such as these, and this is what I've been doing.

   Many people in my position would be scrambling to the pawn shops or part time work to gain the money needed to meet their bills. They'd be worrying every spare moment, about those things that the future holds for them. Not me! I've faith, faith in the fact that GOD is who HE says HE is, and will fulfill all of HIS promises, just as written in scripture. I've personally been walking in the LORD for over sixteen years, much of which has been a constant living from day to day. Not being dependent on that which I could do to meet my needs. No, that of living and counting on the ultimate power of GOD to do just as HE's states, so many times within scripture.

   I know GOD well enough, from all of this, that I know that no matter what happens, it will work out to bring glory to the precious name of JESUS, one way or another:))) (Romans 8:28) GOD has anointed me to this ministry and if I end up in several days, headed up the roadside with backpack and a wagon, so be it. I know that where my steps will be leading me, will come about to HIS glory. Where would I most likely head? Since I spent much time warning people of the recent storms, it'd most likely be to one of those areas destroyed by tornadoes. A place where people are in need, great need. Relief from their suffering, either through the works of my hands or the words of my mouth. This is putting ones faith into action for all to see. Not to see the glory of a man, but to see just what one man can accomplish when they've true faith in the one that has changed their lives totally. JESUS!!!

Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!! Prayer request can be sent to: GOD bless and good day, Rev. Marshall Barth Vine of CHRIST Ministries Vine Ministerial Network International

Friday, April 15, 2011

A new creation

 Praise the LORD!!!

    First off this morning, I want to thank the LORD for blessing me with another day, another day which I pray will be blessed with glorifying HIS most precious name.

   As many of you know, or should know by now, I wasn't a very nice person. Self centered, egotistical and fool-mouthed to mention but a few. Since the LORD convicted my heart and opened my eyes to my need for a personal SAVIOR, there's been a dramatic change.

   2 Corinthians 5:17
        " Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new."

   You may ask what kind of changes have taken place. To keep things as brief as possible, for this blog, the greatest of these has to be my level of compassion. Now this change is one that takes a deep inward change and not one that a person can do on their own. Many have tried and failed to change along these lines, for it is deeply seated in a person's character. Not something we can do without the help of the LORD. Truthfully, it's mostly done by HIM alone!!!

   Before JESUS, I was one that could watch a person suffer tragedy and laugh at the experience. Now, I'm not talking about minor accidents, but major ones that totally trash a person's spirit and life. I'd be totally unaffected by even the worst cases. Having a 'survivalist' nature, I was sure in my own ability to be able to handle the same events. There was no concern at all for what they were feeling, whether physically, mentally or emotionally. I saw the events as means to learn from, both for myself and them. An if they didn't learn from them, "Oh well, that was their problem."

   The change: now I go into immediate prayer upon hearing of a person's untimely events. I long to be able to reach out to every single one of them, in some physical manor. I'm sitting here this morning, torn up inside because of the recent news of the tornadoes that ravished sections of Oklahoma and Arkansas last night and this morning. Almost to the point of anger.

   Most of you know I've a ministry, with a branch in disaster relief and I'm not going to promote it here. For this isn't the reason for this blog. The reason, is to get you thinking! Thinking, about the changes the LORD has effected within your life. What are the fruits that have been revealed through these changes and the actions you're taking to reveal these changes even more so! With our walks being that which others see of our relationship with JESUS, it is imparitive that these changes can be seen in everything we do. Every aspect of our lives is under the microscope of the world and they're examining them intently. They've either conviction taking place within their hearts and wanting to make the decision to be with JESUS. Or, they're trying to pick out every flaw they can find in us, to disprove the truths of the GOSPEL. Either way, the 'regenerated' life in CHRIST that flows through your veins, is a supreme proof, that JESUS is WHO HE is claimed to be in the Bible and our lives!!!   

   If you'd like to know more of the changes that have taken place within my life since JESUS took over control and the type of person I was before, you can read my book (online or downloadable) at:   You can also check out what the LORD has me working on for HIM, by following the ministry's link below. It's not the best of web sites, because I'm no programmer or graphic artist and have very limited funds, but it will give you an idea of what the LORD has done with this worthless piece of flesh since regenerating it:)))

 Prayer request can be sent to: 

GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Sunday, April 10, 2011

All things

 Praise the LORD!!!

    This morning I'm still in a bit of pain from my herniated disc and the last several days of work. I've been sitting here reflecting upon the last several years, those since I gave my life to the LORD. To all the work I've been doing on the ministry, for the ministry is basically my life. I live but to bring it into existence.

   The LORD's know better than any, all that I've been through in doing this and has totally been at the heart of the matter. Every little detail has been according to HIS purpose for me. Every detail!!! There has been many victories and many setbacks along the way. Sometimes so many setbacks, that I've felt like giving up and giving in to all that others were saying. I've not though, because the LORD has blessed me with a great faith that can see that it isn't that which I can do, but that which JESUS can do through me, that gets accomplished.

   As I was sitting here and viewing all that has been accomplished over the last twelve years and all that I've fallen short on, I began hearing all those voices of defeatism. I'm but a carpenter's son, a man of common labor, I've failed at three business', a drug addict, convicted felon, I think you get the idea. This is when it started. I've the T.V. on in the background, listening to Sunday morning services. First one preacher lays out a sermon and than another and though recorded at different times, both have the basis centering on one set of verses.

  Philippians 4:12,13 (KJV)

      12 I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need.  13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
   If  all that you've done in life seems to be nothing in comparison to that which you think it should be, don't worry! If you've seen trial after trial pile up upon your shoulders, don't worry about it! Focus only on the fact that all that life holds ahead of you, can be accomplished through JESUS!!!

 Prayer request can be sent to: 

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Saturday, April 9, 2011

A 'Sugar coated' GOSPEL

 Praise the LORD!!!

    Good morning my brothers and sisters in CHRIST! I pray all are well and if not, you're petitioning the LORD for your healing.

   You may ask, "What is a  'sugar coated' GOSPEL?" Please, don't think I'd place something before you and not explain that which the LORD has laid upon my heart (for that is the very reason behind this blog, to explain GOD's leading in my life.) A 'sugar coated' GOSPEL is that which most of us have heard preached. One where salvation, though the cost was great, is free to anyone willing to receive JESUS as LORD and SAVIOR. Well this is true, as far as it's being freely given. But the sugar coating is applied when we're told that there is no cost to those that receive it.

   Don't get me wrong, the gift is free, but what it cost us after receiving it, is far from it and I believe one of the major reasons the church is in the sad shape that it is today. Numerous times in scripture we hear JESUS telling people to follow HIM. In each of these cases, they dropped that which they were doing and followed, or at least in those that were willing to leave their old lives behind. Peter, Andrew, James and John, successful fishermen, left their business' behind to follow HIM. The others, that also followed JESUS, left behind their lives and means of livelihood. On numerous other occasions, there were those that JESUS asked to follow HIM, but there were more important things within their lives, or at least they thought so, than to do so.

   In scripture JESUS tells us that we must be willing to forsake all(a large cost to us) to follow HIM. This sure looks like a large cost to me! We're also told that we have to forsake the world to follow HIM. Another large cost, yet literally, the same. Then how is it that in churches today and the majority of our witnessing, people don't mention these cost? The "SUGAR COATING" 

 I didn't give any verse references. Why you may ask? Simply this, there are numerous and this I believe, is something we must all look much deeper into on our own, and in our Bibles. As for the whys behind this decades long trend of events, there also is to many to list. I would have to say though, that it has to do with the 'worldly search for head count,' that practice of getting them in and filling our coffers. I could go on, but I'll not, for I'm being led to leave this in each person's own hands. May the LORD bless you with the presence of the HOLY SPIRIT as you endeavor to seek out this truth!!!


GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

For prayer request, email: 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Little flock...

 Praise the LORD!!!

    I've just started my afternoon Bible reading and just ten verses in the LORD hits me with this. I'll not say much on these verses, but allow them to speak for themselves!!!

   Luke 12:32-34 (NIV)
      32 “Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom.  33 Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will not be exhausted, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys.  34 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

   As I said< "I'll not say much," but I will pose a few questions to get the juices flowing:)
  • Is this our witness?
  • Is this the witness of the church today?
  • What and how can we each take on this lifestyle? 

Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

Prayer request can be sent to: 

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries