Saturday, August 21, 2010

Crying out to GOD

 Praise the LORD!!!

    Many of you know I've been having a rough go of things lately, both physically and spiritually. Over the last several days I've literally been trashed (not drunken or stoned, but spiritually). I've been feeling all the pressures of life and ministry and sought out the means to cure the problem. For the Christian there is but one resource where these can be taken care of. That is GOD HIMSELF!!!

    What I did was something many frown upon, I cried out to GOD unleashing my full frustrations upon HIM! I told HIM everything that was upon my heart and held not one feeling or frustration back. In other words, "I told HIM like it is, exactly how I've been feeling."

    Now many think we should only petition the LORD with our prayers, which is good. But this was far beyond just prayers. This was a pouring out of my deepest feelings and hurts. Many don't believe we should do this. Well let me tell you something, this is exactly what King David did all throughout the Psalms. Not unlike that which we'd do with our earthly fathers, GOD being our heavenly FATHER expects the same. HE wants us to lay the full burden of our lives in HIS hands, holding nothing at all back. How else can HE know, that we know, HE is the ultimate source of our well being?

     I feel 110% better today, then I have in over a month and I love it. This practice came about while on my first attempted trip to Kingsville, the ill fated one. Though the trip was cut short, it was all in GOD's plan for me. I gained more spiritual incite into the workings of GOD, the church and people then one could ever imagine. So the next time you're feeling forsaken by all, as if the burdens of life have buried you under their weight, CRY OUT TO GOD, holding back nothing. You will find that the help you need will come in ways you could never imagine!!!

 Prayer request can be sent to: 

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International