Saturday, March 6, 2010

3.07.10_John 3:3_Born Again

   Praise the LORD!!!

       Today, we will delve into a foundational truth, one that for anyone that calls themselves a Christian must be walking in. The "Born Again" experience, is where the true Christian walk begins and without this experience having happened within our lives, we truly are not Christians!!!

3 In reply Jesus declared, “I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.a

       So you call yourself a Christian. Were you born into a Christian family and thus obtained this status? Or is it because you attend church on a regular basis? Or maybe it is because you've said the sinner's prayer? Truthfully, none of these are what makes one "Born Again." For this can only be obtained by the moving of the HOLY SPIRIT into one's life and bringing about the regeneration unto a new life, thus the term "Born Again." Yes, the act of our repenting of our sins and confessing JESUS as our LORD and SAVIOR has a great deal to do with this happening. Though it isn't these that cause this transformation to take place.

       Now I know I'm stepping on some theological toes here, but rightfully don't care. For the truth must be spoken, so those that are misled by preachers and teachers today will know that they're in need of the rebirth, provided only by and through the power of the HOLY SPIRIT. I have been witness to ministers that preached great services and gave their lives totally unto such, that were not yet born of the SPIRIT!!! That's right ministers. You may ask, 'how this can be?' Its simple, they've not allowed the HOLY SPIRIT entrance into their hearts, to bring about the regeneration unto new life. Basically, what they've done is live a life focused on JESUS, but not one that has allowed JESUS to be in control, fully and completely!!!

       How can you tell if you've been "Born Again?" Very easily. You will have the fruit of the SPIRIT evident within your lives.(Gal. 5:22,23) "the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,  23 gentleness and self-control." You will be able to witness for yourself these changes, for they will be most evident to you, because they were not natural to your behaviors. The signs will be seen through changes to your behaviors and lifestyle. No longer will there be the urge to party and socialize in flippant ways. The very words from your mouth will of changed. Those things that once attracted all of your attentions, no longer will hold pleasure for you. These will not be the only changes though, for there will be much that has changed on the inside, for this is truly where the new birth begins!

       Changes from the inside. What would these entail? Our thoughts and desires, our reactions to the conditions of others, those things that before were focused only on self, but now are turned away from our own interest and focused on that of others. These may be witnessed first and foremost by you and then others may begin to notice them. No longer will we look upon a woman/man through the same eyes. Not seeing them as a source of our desires, but as a creation of GOD that needs to be respected and shown the love of GOD through you. Not the physical form of love either, but the type that cares so deeply for their personal well being, more so then one's own. Are they being prayed for, are they in any physical need, do they have emotional cares that must be met? These will be the inward signs of this transformation, seen first and foremost only from within.

       How do I know these things? If you've read my book, "Out of the LIGHT," you will know only part of the story, even though it goes into pretty good detail. For there are things that we just can't put into words, there's truly no way to describe them with words. They go so much deeper then words can cover. I'm sure a psychologist would have the words, but I'm far from one. But needless to say I was, in ways, a personification of evil, as I look back at myself. Much was lacking of any sort of humanity or humility. Paul used the description of himself, "as the chief of sinners." This might rightly describe me and I believe I've used it at one time or another to describe the man I was. If one can not look back on their old life and see it through this kind of view, then they might not be "Born again." For with the HOLY SPIRIT within us, all that we were, is so detestable that we loath just talking about it to any great extent. For it has become utterly disgusting to us, for we now are looking at it through the eyes of GOD and how HE would view it. Think about this well. Can you look back on the person you used to be and say, "I wasn't that bad of a person." If you can, there is the possibility that you're not "Born Again."

       I can attest to many changes within my life, many details of which had only been seen through a drug induced fog. But GOD has blessed me with being able to see them as if they all had just happened and are as clear as crystal. Details even deeper then I'd ever even thought about searching. For with the new life comes a deep reflection upon what was and what is now. This is that which builds our testimony from mere thoughts and allows us to put it all into words, whether on paper or vocally. It is another fruit, shall we say, the ability to see both the face of the person you were and the one that you are now, at the same time, in the mirror that GOD holds before you. Clearly revealing the results of the new birth within your life. With this, there will be no doubt within your mind or heart that you have been "BORN AGAIN."

       Something I'm being led to do today, is a bit different. I am going to put some questions before you, to answer to yourself: Can I look at my life and see where GOD's fingerprints are upon it? When I pray, am I seeking what GOD wants from me in life or that which I want from HIM? Can I attest to the works of the HOLY SPIRIT within me, that have changed me from that who I was, into that who I am today?
                                                            Am I truly Born Again?

Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

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GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International