Monday, May 24, 2010

5.25.10_James 1: 2-4_Perseverance

 Praise the LORD!!!

    Today has been a busy day and one kind of strange considering it's Pentecost. Let me explain. I've felt nearly void of the HOLY SPIRIT all day long. Only at one time, while reading an email from a sister in CHRIST did anything come to me. I ended up asking her permission to re post her email as a blog. She gave permission and it's been posted at the ministry's other blog, 'Blogs from the Vine.'

    Well then, hours later, in another email, a brother told me that he thought I should ask GOD to tell me if there is something in my life that is hindering the growth of the ministry. I told him that this wasn't necessary, because I'm always doing this, its part of my daily routine. But a while later, while reading another of my devotionals (not by me, but one I read personally,) the LORD laid it on my heart, that my level of reading HIS WORD has dropped lately. Needless to say my Bible study program (Logos 4) was opened in a short while and I started reading at the point that I am in my hardcopy Bible, the book of James. Since I was in my program and had it's vast library at my disposal, I decided to do a little extra research on my reading. Checking several of the commentaries for information on the book of James and then I began to read it. This is when the LORD hit me with these verses for today!

   James 1: 2-4

    2 "Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. 4 Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." 

    As with a large percentage of my recent readings and devotionals these verses deal with the topic of suffering and the manor in which Christians are to handle it when it comes upon them. For those of you that have been browbeaten into believing that Christians don't suffer, I've got some news for you, "We Do and most like more then unbelievers." But this topic will be saved for another time, when the LORD leads me too.

    Here we're told that when we face these trials and tribulations of many kinds, we're told to "consider it pure joy." Now this suffering here spoken of isn't that of persecution for our faith, though this could be included, it is the type that we undergo in our daily lives. Those things that we so often end up spending hours on our knees before GOD about. I'm sure most of you're acquainted  with these trials and I've no need to go into detail over them. But they're the matters within our everyday life that assault our spirits and tend to break us down. Many times to the point of being in a state of depression and sometimes to the point of being suicidal. Yes, today there are many Christians that are suicidal and depressed due to lack of proper knowledge of the WORD of GOD. For if all your preachers and Sunday school teachers tell you that Christians don't suffer and you never are prepared to face it. One tends to be overcome by it, maybe not the first time it comes, but eventually it does get to you. This too isn't what this devotional is about today though either.

    So what is today's writings about? The simple fact that we as Christians need to learn to stand firm and strong under all conditions, no matter what they may be or where they've come from! Perseverance is the topic! To many, for to long have learned to fall to their knees in prayer at the drop of a hat. At the smallest of problems we automatically fall to our knees and begin to tug on GOD's ear. As if we've no strength of our own. CHRIST didn't make us into a bunch of spineless invertebrates, that can't withstand the slightest of pressure on our own. We are Christians, remember, CHRIST-like. We're to have the perseverance of JESUS flowing through our veins, not lukewarm water. We're supposed to be able to do all things through HIM (Philippians 4:13). We're supposed to be able to do miracles greater then those that HE did HIMSELF (John14 :12.) There are verses all over the place that tell us we are more then conquerors (Rom. 8:37.) Or how the devil will flee from us, if we but stand strong in our beliefs (James 4:7.) For too long the GOSPEL of JESUS CHRIST has been watered down by those that 'thought' they were called into ministry, or those that preached from their own wisdom and knowledge.

    But all this is well and good, because nothing in HIStory has happened without it being intended by GOD!!! NOTHING! That is one reason I don't preach against other denominations or those that have an erroneous message (not including cults and false religions.) Each and everyone of them has been allowed to be and speak just as they do. GOD has known it since the beginning of time and has allowed it to be just as it is for a reason. The day is coming and coming soon where HE will raise up another generation of preachers. Not those that will be well schooled or even well versed, but those that will depend only upon the HOLY SPIRIT for their messages. The wise shall be put to shame by those the are unlearned and those that have thought themselves educated, will be brought to their knees by those that can barely read. Here is where that perseverance comes in. Those that have for so long constantly fallen to their knees in prayer over the slightest of needs must learn that they've the power, they've the strength to stand strong through all troubles on their own. Our prayers should be for GOD to provide the strength and the wisdom to overcome our problems. We should be the ones that stand strong when all others fall. We should be the ones that are prospering when all others are struggling to make ends meet. We should be the ones, that when troubles come, of which they will, we won't begin to grumble and complain, we'll stand up straight and proclaim the fact that we are of CHRIST JESUS and HE has met all of our needs and that in HIS grace HE has given us an abundance to meet all of our needs (2 Cor. 9:8-11.)  So the next time trouble rears it head within your life, praise the LORD and thank HIM for giving you the strength and wisdom to preserver against all odds and rejoice in the fact that you are able to do so!!!  

Being that I'm writing this on Pentecost, I'll give you but one other reading: Acts 2
Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

Prayer request can be sent to:

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International