Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Proverbs 3:5,6 - Trust

Praise the LORD!!!
   It has been a busy day here for me. I've been working on graphics for the ministry and since I've no one but myself to do it, I worked on them all day. Plus having to thaw my computer out several times, it hates graphics:) So I put it to prayer and am going to post an earlier published devotional. Please forgive me if you've already read it, but with it just being myself in the ministry here in the states I've got to do it all. As soon as the weather here warms I may have to do this again, because I've several jobs to do and no one to help with them. Oh well, its the life of one totally sold out to GOD with no one else sharing the vision. I know this will change, but until it does, again please forgive me!!! You should be seeing the labor of my hands on the website before long. GBU!!! Rev. Marshall Barth

   Since this is the first of these devotionals, I guess there is no better place to start then at one of my life verses. Proverbs 3:5,6
       "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
         in all your ways acknowledge HIM, and HE will make your paths straight."
   I have been a Born Again Christian since January 7, 1995, when the LORD had finally had enough of my running from HIM. I was incarcerated for taking part in an armed bank robbery, I was the switch car driver. I had been in jail for three days and already arraigned, seeing what I was facing crushed my heart within me. Thirty five years total. All I could see was that I'd really messed up and my life as I'd known it was gone forever! Now more of the details on this can be found in my book, 'Out of the LIGHT', on the ministry's website so I'll not go farther in details.
   I had seen what directing my own life had gotten me and through CHRIST finding me at this time, I turned the reigns over to the LORD and I mean fully over to HIM! No longer would I seek to do things my own way, or through my own wisdom, but through prayer, I would allow GOD to guide me and teach me all that I needed to know. I was totally offering up my 'trust' in HE which, at the time I only had a small understanding of, had begun to totally change my life. Now, I will have to say that it is hard enough to place control over your life into the hands of another that you totally understand everything about. Yet to turn it over unto one that you've only the slightest knowledge of, is mind boggling. Kind of like giving the keys to your car to a perfect stranger and climbing into the passenger seat for a spin!
   Since this time and these events, I've not once regretted this choice. sure there were times that I had to wonder about what GOD was doing and why, but never have I regretted it. I have no stress at all within my life, at times its as if I'm weightless because of the lack of burdens that I'm carrying. At others, the weight might be great, yet I've no fear or worry as to the outcome of the events. I know that for some reason GOD has allowed all events within my life to form and shape me into that perfect vessel unto HIS glory. There are no doubts in my mind that everything that happens is allowed to by GOD, not always by HIS hand, but always allowed to happen. This, all to HIS ultimate glory, honor and praises. Each path that I walk down in life has been formed just for me and HIS purpose for me to bring attention unto HIS KINGDOM in some manor.
   It is like this 'daily devotional', I don't know where GOD is leading me through it, but I do know that HE has enlisted me to do so and I'll do everything as led to by HIM. You may ask, 'how I know this leading is of GOD?' All that I undertake is first prayed upon and then I await HIS leading. Either through and audible word, scripture reading or an impression upon my heart. Heart, not mind, for the heart is the seat of the HOLY SPIRIT within our bodies and not the mind. Our minds can be influenced in many ways not of GOD, so I don't trust it. Our minds are the seat of our problems throughout life. With our own understanding we determine what we are going to say and do. This is where Adam and Eve made their biggest mistake, allowing their understandings to govern the way they reacted to satan's suggestion. So seek not to allow what you see and think to govern your actions, but listen to your heart. To that very place where the HOLY SPIRIT dwells within you, to lead you and guide you in all that you ever say, do or think. In this way you will be allowing GOD to mold you and shape you into HIS very image. That which we are to be as Christians, CHRIST-like!!!
May GOD bless you and lead you all the days of your life!!!
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Vine Ministerial Network International
p.s. to all those that read these, please let me know what you think of them. For I am seeking to bring glory to the LORD through them and would truly love to know if I am fulfilling that which HE has led me to do.

A new day ...

Praise the LORD!!!
   A new day and a new way. This morning I prayed for the LORD to use me more in fulfilling the "Great Commission." This is the results of what HE laid upon my heart. It seems that now VCM and myself will be issuing a daily devotional of that which HE leads me to impart to readers. How I'll be able to fulfill this task 'daily', only HE knows. For I'm truly not some overly wise, super spiritual person. I'm really no different than most Christians out there. I struggle daily with my walk for the LORD. I fall down and am blessed to be lifted up again. The LORD is truly going to have to do this!
   For years I've allowed the LORD to lead my life. Daily seeking HIS inspiration in all that I do. Seeking to do away with self and allow HIS will to show forth from all that I do. I'd say this is another step in HIS will for me and as with all in the past, I will seek to do my best and bring nothing but glory to HIS name!!! LORD, this is all YOUR's, I am but the earthen vessel that YOU've chosen to do it through. Let it be all to YOUR glory and not to any others. In JESUS' name I receive this. Amen, amen and AMEN!!!!!!!