Friday, October 24, 2014

This morn, as always

Praise the LORD!!!

   If you're a regular follower and have been reading this morning's post. You'll know that I've been "attacked" twice by the Christians relentless adversary.

   First by a computer issue. A "black screen(?)". A first time. My computer, just decided to shut down and restart on it's own. No blue screen, or warning of any kind. It just shut down as I was preparing to post "Devotional(s)" for the day!!!

   This was quickly remedied by the LORD. With a quicker than normal restart. To be a fact, everything started right up. No "sluggishness." No "not responding" programs.  Everything just loaded right up and ran perfectly. Allowing me to begin posting within a short time.

   Then, just as I was getting ready to prepare for work, the second attack came. Though my hip has been aching all week, I've been blessed to overlook it and work on. But this morning, as I was getting up and heading for the kitchen, it "Popped," like a shot. Fortunately, I was only a foot or so from my chair and fell back into it. Wrenching from the sudden pain. The result, as most would utter, were not grimaces, or curses, but "Praises." Which. thanks to the LORD, is my standard "mode of operations."

   If you've read my testimonial book, "Out of the LIGHT," you'll know, that my walk with the LORD, has been centered on a life of praise. An understanding, that GOD is sovereign and that no matter what happens, HIS hand is at work through it, and then offering HIM praise and thanksgiving for such.

   That which was meant to deter, slow down, or stop, only ends up working to the glory of GOD!!! I mean "EVERYTHING !!!"

   To often, many Christians forget. GOD is in control, not that other guy and his cohorts. GOD is sovereign, and all other powers and principalities, are created by HIM. Sure, they may of been given dominion of this world and constantly wrecking havoc in it, but they still are under GOD's control and can do NOTHING, that HE doesn't allow to happen.

   So the next time that all hell seems to of come against you, or that you've stepped in a big pile of "*". Just lift up your voice and give praise and thanksgiving to GOD. The ONE and ONLY, that is in CONTROL of all !!!!!!!

      "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.  Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over." (Psalm 23:4,5; AV)

   " Every valley shall be raised up,
every mountain and hill made low;
the rough ground shall become level,
the rugged places a plain.
 And the glory of the Lord will be revealed,
and all people will see it together.
                                          (Isaiah 40:4,5; NIV)

"The grass withers and the flowers fall,
but the word of our God endures forever"
                                           (Isaiah 40:8; NIV)

"But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary;and they shall walk, and not faint."
                                                                                                      (Isaiah 40:31; AV)

" Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."
                                                                     (1 Thes. 5:16-18; AV)

Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

 GOD bless and good day,
 Rev. Marshall Barth
 Vine of CHRIST Ministries 

Monday, October 13, 2014

satan will ...

   satan will use every means possible to defeat GOD!!! This statement shouldn't surprise anyone, well anyone that believes in GOD in the first place.

   The "dark lord" has already lost one decisive battle and was rewarded by being cast out of heaven. But truly, he's as stubborn as he is prideful and won't give up or give in until that day in which he's finally defeated.(and yes, he will be, for it is written!!!)

   Today satan wages war against GOD thru a constant barrage of attacks upon believers. I'm pretty sure that I don't need to tell you about these. For daily, we're under constant attack in many ways. Most of which are meant to focus our attentions on our plight and away from GOD and HIS promises to us.

   A secondary means that is being used, is the "trivialization" of GOD's WORD and WAYS. If but for a moment he can get our attentions turned away from GOD and focused on, or disbelieving in one "jot or title" of scripture, he's gained a minor victory. A foothold. A wedge between us and our SAVIOR.

   These means are also being used against those to whom we as believers are to witness. Putting up stronger wall of defense between us and them. These can take many forms and can even use the professing Christian to do so.

   We in the western world are among the most prosperous nations in the world and this prosperity is one of satan's greatest weapons against us. We've houses, that resemble great mansions to those that live in make-shift shelters. We've numerous vehicles to drive all around. When the greatest percentage of others are bound by "manual" transportation, walking or bicycles. We've masses of electronic gadgets filling our home and vehicles. To which, a great many are but distractions from the world we live in, but they too, are distractions from the very GOD that has blessed us with them.

   Even our houses of worship, have become more entertainment, than they are worship. Sure we do worship in them, but is it any degree of that which it was a hundred years ago, or for that matter, just fifty years ago??? For the most part, gone is most of the music that the saints sing. Replaced by that which they listen to, or maybe sing along too. Gone, is the harmony of voices singing, no matter how out of tune, together, making melody to the LORD.

   Gone is the church family, which knew each other as well as they know themselves. Gone, are many of those ways that used to separate the Church, from the rest of the world. Today, many of our churches resemble any other gathering of people.

   These, the few that I've mentioned, are nothing but satan's trivialization of GOD, HIS WORD and HIS WAY!!!


 GOD bless and good day,
 Rev. Marshall Barth
 Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Breaking the mold

Praise the LORD!!!

"But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light." (1 Peter 2:9; NIV)

"Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. Although the whole earth is mine, you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.’" (Exodus 19:5,6; NIV)

"Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works." (Titus 2:14; AV)

Breaking the mold ??? GOD has called forth HIS people to be peculiar!!!

  • pe·cu·liar
  • [ pi kyóolyər ]
  • unusual: unusual, strange, or unconventional
  1. unique: belonging exclusively to or identified distinctly with somebody or something
synonyms: odd · strange · weird · unusual · irregular · abnormal · uncharacteristic

Why then, are we all standing around in the same light cast for us by the world and unfortunately, the church itself???
For the best part of the last forty years, ministries have been telling us that we've got to focus upon making ourselves look and preform just like them and the world. Striving to stand out, yet only following after the very same mold they've been set in. A "mold" that is almost exactly that as the "mold" that the world uses to bring note to itself !!! 
You, know what I mean. That, "we've got to have the biggest and the best, to make people come through our doors," or "we've got to act this way or that, to blend in with them, making them feel acceptable in our pews." 
There is no "standing out, because we're different," or "standing out, because we don't accept your ways or beliefs." It's, "smooth over the rough spots," "sweeten our words, so we don't offend anyone." Are any of these, those "PECULIAR" ways that the LORD has called us out to be???

Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

 GOD bless and good day,
 Rev. Marshall Barth
 Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Thursday, July 24, 2014

The Miracles of JESUS

Miracles of JESUS

The Healing Miracles

Man with Leprosy:                     Matt. 8:2-4           Mark 1:40-42        Luke 5:12-13
Roman centurion's servant          Matt. 8:5-13                                       Luke 7:1-10
Peter's mother-in-law                 Matt. 8:14-15       Mark 1:30-31        Luke 4:38-39
Two men from Gadara               Matt. 8:28-34       Mark 5:1-15          Luke 8:27-35
Paralyzed man                            Matt. 9:2-7          Mark 2:3-12           Luke 5:18-25
Woman with bleeding                 Matt. 9:20-22      Mark 5:25-29         Luke 8:43-48
Two blind men                           Matt. 9:27-31
Mute, demon possessed man      Matt. 9:32-33
Man with shriveled hand             Matt. 12:10-13     Mark 3:1-5            Luke 6:6-10
Blind, mute, demon-possessed man Matt. 12:22                                    Luke 11:14
Canaanite woman's daughter       Matt. 15:21-28     Mark 7:24-30
Boy with a demon                      Matt. 17:14-18      Mark 9:17-29        Luke 9:38-43
Two blind men(including Bartimaeus) Matt. 20:29-34   Mark 10:46-52  Luke 18:35-43
Deaf mute                                                               Mark 7:31-37
Possessed man in synagogue                                   Mark 1:23-26         Luke 4:33-35
Blind man at Bethsaida                                            Mark 8:22-26
Crippled woman                                                                                    Luke 13:11-13
Man with dropsy                                                                                    Luke 14:1-4
Ten men with leprosy                                                                              Luke 17:11-19
The high priest's servant                                                                          Luke 22:50-51
Official's son at Capernaum                                                                                                 John 4:46-54
Sick man at pool of Bethesda                                                                                              John 5:1-9
Man born blind                                                                                                                   John 9:1-7

Miracles Showing Power over Nature
Calming the storm                 Matt. 8:23-27          Mark 4:37-41          Luke 8:22-25
Walking on the water            Matt. 14:25              Mark 6:48-51                                         John 6:19-21
Feeding of the 5,000             Matt. 14:15-21        Mark 6:35-44          Luke 9:12-17           John 6:6-13
Feeding of the 4,000             Matt 15:3-38           Mark 8:1-9
Coin in fish                            Matt. 17:24-27
Fig tree withered                   Matt. 21:18-22        Mark 11:12-14, 20-25
Large catch of fish                                                                                 Luke 5:4-11
Water turned to wine                                                                                                             John 2:1-11
Another large catch of fish                                                                                                      John 21:1-11

Miracles of Raising the Dead

Jairus's daughter                    Matt. 9:18-19, 23-25    Mark 5:22-24, 38-42   Luke 8:41-42, 49-56
Widow's son at Nain                                                                              Luke 7:11-15
Lazarus                                                                                                                                  John 11:1-44

Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

GOD bless and good day,
 Rev. Marshall Barth
 Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Yes, it is

Praise the LORD!!!

   Yes, it is!?! Yes, our churches are full of hypocrites. Backbiters, gossips, thieves, liars, the sexually immoral, adulterers and the list can go on and on. For where else should you find those whom are sick and seeking healing???

   Surely it is the truth, that many of these, think they're already healed. Not realizing that they truly are only in remission, waiting around, only to take their dying breathes. But yes, they're there, in the only place where true healing can begin.

   Not a building with four walls, but amongst a BODY of believers that realize there is but one source of healing for their sicknesses.

   Sin, that reached sickness. That makes one think they're healthy. Not in need of anything. Rich, yet poor by all means. Slowly passing away from starvation, though their tables are set with the finest of foods. Having all sorts of the finest pleasures to keep them occupied, yet wasting away with loneliness.

   Where else will you find all those that are having their hearts stirred, their bodies torn, their minds running rampant with thoughts and desires of all that they truly need??? In the presence of the only ONE that can, and will, heal them of all their worries. The "GREAT PHYSICIAN," lingers in the midst of all these. HE seeks to heal all, yet holds HIS hands back from healing them, until they've been fully convicted of their great needs. Prepared fully to receive that which is free, yet comes with a great price.

   The cost. It is nothing, yet it is everything. For one to receive these needed gifts, they must be willing, willing to forsake all. Forsake all that they hold dear. Forsake all that they've learned to believe is of need to survive. To forsake all that their futures may hold.

   Oh, to but touch the fringe of HIS garment and I shall be made whole. One glance from HIS loving eyes. One touch of HIS gracious hands.

   Can you??? Or will you??? Forsake all and follow HIM !!!!!!!

Seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!! Talley the cost and listen to HS voice, calling out to you. The choice is yours alone!!!

 GOD bless and good day,
 Rev. Marshall Barth
 Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Friday, January 3, 2014

Weary, war worn, but not defeated

Praise the LORD!!!
    Doing that which I'd of least thought of doing, especially with just beginning on the road to recovery after nearly two weeks of fighting physical oppression by the flue. Blogging. Writing a devotional(?.) Hard to believe, considering it's been nearly a half year since the last time, but the LORD has HIS ways. Ways, we can seldom completely grasp.

   We are living in a day and age unlike any before. Not only because we're closer than ever to the LORD's return, but because we're in an age where fewer and fewer Christians read the Bible for themselves!!! I'm not talking about searching up a scripture or two while reading a post online, but the serious reading(and study) typical of the saints of old. Whom may of spent hours, days or weeks on the study of one verse alone.

   Sure, we've many that are reading their Bibles completely thru in a year, maybe more than at any time ever before. This due to the fact that we've many more "understandable" versions to choose from. Plus many programs and websites which are set up to render this possible. This though, isn't that which I'm speaking of. I'm talking about those which have such an overwhelming hunger for the WORD, that they just can't get enough!!! Those that feel as if they can't exist a moment longer, if they don't savor the richness of GOD's WORD. Those that feel it's the very "Bread of LIFE" upon which they exist.

   You may be wondering what this has to do with the title, "Weary, war worn, but not defeated"? Well, that's simple. For there are many, whom for years have been urging others to get down and get serious about reading and studying their Bibles for themselves. Not, the reading of some author, or preacher, but the Bible itself. Now, I'm not discounting the value of reading that written by other Christians, for I do a great deal of this myself and have grown due to it. I'm talking about sitting down, praying for the HOLY SPIRIT's guidance and digging deeply into the WORD alone. Open minded, not thinking about "what" Brother or Sister so and so(or self) said and/or believes. Or what this or that group happens to say, but truly open mindedly listening to the HOLY SPIRIT !!! One can only state this so many times, before it begins to wear on them. Before they begin to show signs of wear and tear. Before they begin to get disgruntled and want to give in and cease their efforts. After all, we're only human and have our limits :{)))

    Alas though, we wage not this battle alone (2 Cor. 10:3-6), and our weapons are not of this world. We're dressed for these battles(Eph. 6:12-18.) and it isn't under our powers or understandings(Proverbs 3:5,6; Phil. 4:13) in which we carry on these battles. It is by continually visiting the well of refreshing(John 6:35; 2 Cor. 12:9,10) even when at our weakest. It is CHRIST JESUS, the LIVING WORD to WHOM we go and depend.

   Truthfully, I don't know what we have here??? :{))) Whether it's a blog??? A devotional??? Or what??? I do know but one thing. "I did, as led," and where it goes from here, is in the LORD's hands!!! GOD bless y'all and good day !!!

Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

 GOD bless and good day,
 Rev. Marshall Barth
 Vine of CHRIST Ministries