Saturday, May 29, 2010

5-30-10_Like unto JESUS (Part 2)_A repost

 Praise the LORD!!!

   Due to moving in several days, I've been busy tying up lose ends and packing. Thank GOD I don't have that much and actually I've less then I've ever had when making a move:-), but there are still many things to do to get ready to make the transition as quick as possible. This has to be done due to my new job, doing apartment turnovers for a local Realtor. An being the first of the months he's plenty of work for me to do. so I've got to move and work so others can move in as quick as possible. Should truly be an interesting next couple of weeks. I've faith to know that the LORD will carry me through this time, provide the needed money and items needed to make this transition as quick, effortless and trouble free as possible!!!

   Acts 4:13
     "When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with JESUS."

    Yesterday we covered the ways to draw closer to JESUS and in our doing so obtaining HIS likeness. Today we will proceed to the evidences that reveal this likeness to those around us. For it is not just our resembling HIM that is beneficial to others, but that which we do "in" resembling HIM. For it does no one else any good if we keep JESUS all to our selves and it is not truly taking on HIS likeness if we do. JESUS was here to show us how GOD wanted us to live and act towards our fellow man. How to reveal GOD to others by the actions that we take and by the love that HE has for us. HE gave HIS all for humanity, right down to HIS death upon the cross for those HE didn't even know, many of which were not even been born yet!

   You've received CHRIST as your personal LORD and SAVIOR (I pray you have), this is awesome and the beginning of a new life in CHRIST. But truly where do you go from here?  The first part we spoke about yesterday, the drawing closer to HIM and beginning to take on HIS likeness. Here is where many stop within their Christian walks, never realizing that there is so much more to it then this. We are called to be HIS disciples and in so doing, follow HIS example and reveal it to the world through our lives. We must be willing to forsake all to follow CHRIST. Placing HIS will for us before all else, this means husband or wife, children, friends, work or relaxation. All must take a backseat to the LORD and HIS calling on us in life. An  I do mean all, right down to our very own willingness to give our lives for another, even one we don't know!

   Some of you may be saying, 'hold on now, someone I don't even know?'. Yes, this even including those that persecute you or do you harm. JESUS even prayed for those that had beaten HIM and were putting HIM to death!! We too need to take on this attribute, right down to the smallest of details. Loving our enemies, those that mistreat us or abuse us, right down to even those that may take our lives or the lives of a loved one. Can you imagine how it feels to JESUS when HE hears a Christian saying something derogatory about someone who's perpetrated some felonious crime. (Now I know I'm going to get people's attention with this!)Say a
 mass murderer or child molester! You heard me right. Remember JESUS died for the sins of all of mankind, not just those that commit the small sins, but those of even the worst of mankind. Hitler, Daimler, Saddam Husein, you or me, in GOD's eyes, we are all the same, worthy of death unless we believe and accept JESUS' works upon the cross. This is not an easy task to undertake, especially when you've had others inflict great wounds upon your spirit, but it is a must if we're to resemble JESUS!!!

   Another aspect that sets JESUS apart from others were HIS WORDS. Not only the fact that they were the very WORDS of GOD for mankind, but they were spoken in complete love. Even when HE over turned the tables of the money changers in the temple, though harsh, they were spoken in love. Only once do we hear of JESUS cursing something and that was an example set for us of how GOD will treat the un-fruitful within the Church. All the rest of the time HE spoke out of love, this even when rebuking the Pharisee and Sadducee on their hypocrisy and false religious practices. Now can we say this is true of all that comes out of our mouths? I seriously doubt it, for I know that there are times that I utter things I wish I'd never said and most likely you can say this also. Our tongues can get us in so much trouble and we must do our best to allow GOD to help us control them.

   Another point of our resembling one who has walked with JESUS is that of our actions. The apostles were facing the Sanhedrin because of not just what they were speaking, but for the work of healing a cripple in the name of JESUS. How do the works of your hands reveal JESUS within you, to those around you? Or do they reveal works of another sort, works towards oneself or worse yet, to another master? I'm not saying that we all need to be going around laying hands on people and healing them in the name of JESUS, which would be nice, but that JESUS should be able to be seen through our every action. Like opening a door for someone else to walk through first. Or maybe picking up a large package for someone when you can see they're having a hard time with it. Or maybe grabbing something off a high shelf when you can see a person can't reach it. These kind of actions should permeate our existence. People should be able to see that there is love dwelling within us to the deepest of levels. Even in rush hour traffic this should shine forth like a beacon on a hilltop. There is no time within a Christians life that JESUS should not be the LIGHT that is shinning out. Every little detail of our lives needs to be a direct reflection of HIS dwelling inside. Not like a bad mirror, with it distorted reflection, but with that of a fine clean surface reflecting a true and perfect image. One where there can be no mistaking it, You are one that walks with JESUS!!! 

    Now, our revealing GOD to the world is a great responsibility and the very one that the Jews failed at. They are the chosen people of GOD and were supposed to reveal GOD's love for all of mankind to the world. Since they didn't fulfill this act within their history, GOD has grafted us into this position, giving us the task. We must do our best to show this within our lives. For remember, that which HE has grafted in, can also be removed in like manor! Do you want to be one that is removed from favor before GOD? Remember the parable of the sheep and the goats. There will be those that only think they've been reflecting JESUS within their lives, when in all rights, HE does not know them at all!!!

Other verses to reference: Matt. 16:24-26, 19:29, 25:34-46; Luke 4:18,19, 9:23-27; John 15:1-17; Rom. 11:17-31

Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

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GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International