Sunday, April 18, 2010

4.19.10_ Hebrews 2:1-4_ Hey, pay attention!

 Praise the LORD!!!

    What does it take to get your attention? GOD had been active within my life since before I was born, which is true about all of us. But there was something a little more "out of the ordinary" about the amount of time HE was spending within my life. I'm not going to say that I'm some super saint or something, but GOD has been abundantly present within my life for some reason and exactly why, I'm not totally sure of! Yes, I do know that GOD has a great calling upon my life, with VCM and VMNI and all they entail, but there even seems to be a bit more to it then all these. Which I'm fine with, because I've given my life totally over for GOD to use me as HE wills, in whatever way that HE pleases.
   Hebrews 2:1-4

 2 "We must pay more careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away.  2 For if the message spoken by angels was binding, and every violation and disobedience received its just punishment,  3 how shall we escape if we ignore such a great salvation? This salvation, which was first announced by the Lord, was confirmed to us by those who heard him.  4 God also testified to it by signs, wonders and various miracles, and gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed according to his will."

Many of us have fallen asleep when it comes to hearing the voice of GOD within our lives. I know that I had for quite some time. For between the ages of twelve and thirty nine I had been basically running from GOD. I knew that there was a GOD and that at many times within my life HE'd made HIMSELF known to me through works that HE'd caused to happen. Several times I'd even acknowledged HIM and had partially walked in HIS ways, but always seemed to fall back into the same old pattern again and again. Several of these were almost great enough to be considered 'burning bush' types of occurrences, where there wasn't much doubt that GOD had manifested HIMSELF in my life at the time. Still though, I continued to do my own thing and run from HIS loving arms.

Now there is one thing that I've learned since giving everything over to GOD. That is the fact that there is nothing in this world that just happens. There is no such thing as luck or chance, or something just happening. Everything that happens, happens for a reason and GOD is very aware of it. There is nothing that we can say or do, that would surprise GOD. HE's known about it before we've even realized we were going to do it or say it or think it. GOD is far more powerful and present then we really give HIM credit for. For example. GOD knew every word that I'm going to type out here and every thought that I'm going to have while doing it. HE is even aware of any breaks I'm going to take, how long they're be and what I'm going to do while taking them!!! HE is even aware of how someone reading it will be effected, even five or ten years from now! There is nothing that GOD isn't aware of before it ever happens or is conceived in someone's mind and heart.

So if GOD has done all this, throughout HIStory and HE has brought us to the very place we are today in our lives. Why is it that we're still having problems listening to HIM? It all has to do with the fact that HE made each of us to be different, to be a separate individual, to be unique and one of a kind. GOD never wanted us to be like everyone else, to basically be a bunch of replications of each other. Truly would that be  a very interesting world to live in? Where each and everyone of us had the exact same point of view, did everything just the same. No it wouldn't. It actually would be quite boring, there would be no spice to life, no unexpected happenings, nothing to marvel at.

Now this said and done, we come to our verses for today. GOD has brought everything into being, into the exact placement, time and positioning that they're in and HE has laid down certain rules and regulations for us to live within the boundaries of. HE has set all these before us and has made them known to us in many ways. Yet we're still so limited in our being, that we can't hear HIS voice or read the signs. Why? It goes back to our creation as independent beings and our uniqueness. Plus there is a little bit of hardheaded, prideful creation left in each of us. It is not until we can do away with these aspects of our selves that we can fully and totally live the life that GOD has ordained for us to live. Or to do all those things that HE has so graciously planned for us to do. These plans that have been set before us, by GOD, have to await our being in the proper position and state of heart for GOD to allow them to happen. Until we each give ourselves over to GOD, and I mean totally to HIM, nothing held back, can we fully realize that which GOD has meant for us to do within life. There is an eternity ahead of each of us and until we can each cut away at that part of us that we hold onto, that part that is keeping GOD from fully using us, we will continue to live as we do. Not realizing the full life that GOD has so richly planned for us and those that we interact with within our lives. There is a great and marvelous future awaiting each of us, if we would just allow GOD total control of our lives. Now I don't know about you, but I'm going to listen for the slightest whisper from GOD, from now on and I'm going to be prepared to the best of my ability to be in the exact place that HE wants me to be. For in this way, and this way only, can HE put us to the fullest possible use, in the means, and ways that HE has had planned for us since the beginning of time!!! 

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GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International