Monday, March 29, 2010

03-30-10_1 Cor. 2:2_ Nothing, but CHRIST (A re post)

Praise the LORD!!!  

"This is a re post of an earlier article. This due to the fact that I'm having extreme difficulties here and haven't been able to use my system much online. Please bear with me until the LORD supplies the ministry with a system that can handle the type and amount of work that needs to be accomplished here."

 Praise the LORD!!!

   Today, let us focus our full attention where it should be, on CHRIST alone!!! (While typing this in, it seemed to me a mess of words, not clearly focused. I'll ask each of you that read this, to first pray, because that is where this is coming from, for the "LORD to open your eyes to that which HE would have you to glean from this, not upon the words of this man, but HIS will for you through these."

1 Cor. 2:2

   "For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except JESUS CHRIST and HIM crucified." (NIV)

   Here we have the great apostle Paul telling us where and what our relationships and life are to be focused on, "JESUS CHRIST and HIM crucified." No just these, but also our witness! Well we may say, 'that is where our eyes are always focused.' I know I've thought this at many times, but when I truly step back and look, it isn't so. For many times my true focus is more on the works of the ministry, then on JESUS HIMSELF! What my life has been since HE took over, then that which HE did for me in the first place. 'What words may I speak or write?' 'What new chore have I to do today?' 'In what way can I serve the LORD.?' All in all good reasoning, but truly not where and what it should be!

   Our eyes, rightly should be on JESUS and HIM crucified first and foremost, then and only then shall we take on the other chores of the faith. Relationship with CHRIST, HIS works within us and for us are to be the primary focus of our attentions and witness, and or preaching. What did JESUS do for me and others that has set HIM apart from all others throughout HIStory! This is the most important part of becoming and being Christian. For it is the 'mark' which sets us apart from all other religions ( I personally dislike this word, preferring 'Faith' instead)more on this later) For in no other religion or intellectual understanding has anyone every died for another and been raised to life for their betterment.

  Many in today's society and the church speak out about all kinds of social woes, yet forget to include these essential facts. Now society I can understand this, but from the church that bares HIS name, not! For it should be this fact alone that brings us together, instead of separating us. It wasn't any denomination or religion that brought me to CHRIST, but it was that which HE did for me on Calvary that did. HIS selfless act, HIS love and compassion for me, this is what changed my life and this alone!!! Here and here alone is where my focus should be. Not on those things which come after wards, but on that which has started it all.

   A drawing closer to the central core of that which changed my life is that which I seek after and not all the other works that I've taken on since the time HE first opened my eyes to HIS calling upon my life. Sure all the things that I've done within the ministry have been to draw the focus of others towards CHRIST, but not so much the first works HE did for them, but more so all that HE has done since. There is nothing wrong with this in all rights, for it introduces to others that which CHRIST can do through each of us, but it doesn't focus on HIS primary works of salvation for mankind. CHRIST and HIM crucified for each and every man, women and child throughout HIStory, this shall be my witness and this alone.

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GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International