Wednesday, February 10, 2010

05-10-10_Phil. 4:11,12_Contentment (re post)

Praise the LORD!!!

   ***This is a re post, and a few things have been changed and enlisted in parenthesis as to allow for the original thought to remain intact and current changes to be brought to light(I didn't want anyone to think it was 45 degrees in south Texas in May:))) .)*** 

   It is a beautiful day here in south Texas. Our high temp. for the day has been 45(89) degrees. Believe me, I'd love to see that doubled, because the cold really gets to me since I'm becoming 'ancient.':) Though I'm not really that old, 54(55), I've had friends tell me that I had JESUS sign my yearbook and HE was an under classman. Got to love friends though, they mean it in a loving manor.

   Philippians 4:11,12
      "I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want."

   I am being blessed to be hosted by a awesome Christian couple. They have provided my needs for the last four(six) plus months and not mentioned anything about payment. This isn't an older couple either, mid thirties, with a son just off to collage. I've been growing weary of being a burden to them and have been praying for the LORD to provide the means for me to get into a place of my own. This morning in devotional time HE laid this one me.

   We are to be content in all our circumstances, no matter what they are. Doing our best to constantly be about our work for the KINGDOM of GOD. Whether it is living in a nice house or homeless, we should count it all as a blessing and continue to be about HIS works for us. Many times we allow our current surroundings to dictate our moods. Whether we're happy or sad being dependent upon how our life is currently going. This is wrong in many ways for the Christian and one of the hardest practices to overcome.

   Many times I've heard someone make the statement "that I don't pray for myself, because GOD has better things to spend HIS time on." Talk about having a small GOD! At other times its been the complete opposite, where their prayers are nothing but about themselves and all that they need GOD to do for them. Two great extremes and neither one even close to the 'secret' that Paul was talking about here. Now I've got to say, my GOD is definitely not to small to handle my minor(or major) problems. For HE is the one that created the universes and still has enough time to care about a single sparrow falling to the ground. My prayers are also far from being centered on my own being and all of those things that I personally would like to have. Those that know me can attest to this. I spend a great amount of my time in prayer for others and professing the greatness of our creator and HIS great love for all of mankind.

   Why then has HE impressed me to study and write this. Because, I was forgetting that HE is totally in control and that every second of my day is formed by HIM. HE has set all things into motion and controls the opening and closing of every single door and pathway in the universe. These happenings are just as HE wills them to be and not one minute occurrence is out of place. If I were to be living in another house, eating different food or whatever the difference may be. It would be just as HE wills it and not any different. I must admit, GOD does have a way of humbling a person at times, but I love it, for I always have grown closer to HIM after wards!

   We all have problems in our lives, whether rich or poor, we have problems that draws our attention towards them. It is how we allow them to control our reactions to them, that is the difference. The 'secret' Paul spoke about here is simple, so simple we tend to completely over look it. GOD is in total control of all things!!! It doesn't matter what it is either. Good, bad, in need, having an abundance, single, married and with grandchildren or childless, not one of these things is not in GOD's control. Even the current state of affairs around the world, terrorism, piracy, earthquakes and volcanoes, starvation and plaques. They are all under HIS control and not even the littlest of details are not known completely by HIM.

   So as you finish reading this, I'd like you to ask yourself, "Am I content," and/or, "should I be?" If you aren't, search out the reasons behind it and make the alterations needed to change it. For it will make a huge difference within your life and relationship with JESUS. Possibly making such a great difference within your life, that one day in the future you will look back and wonder, "why had I never seen this before?"  

 Other verses to ponder: Isaiah 40:26-31; Ecclesiastes 5:10; Psalms 37:16; 1 Tim 6:6-8; Heb. 13:5; 1 Cor. 4:11-13; 2 Cor. 9:8; Luke 3:14

Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

Prayer request can be sent to:

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International