Saturday, February 13, 2010

05-31-10_ James 4:7_ Resisting...(a repost)

Praise the LORD!!! 

    This is also a note to let you know of this re posting. With being in the process of moving, I've been busy for most of the day packing up my few belongings. I've also had the need to make some notifications and changes on many of my sites, so all will know why I not online. I wouldn't feel right, as I've said before, forcing out a devotional just to fill a slot. My writings are inspired and this will 'NOT' be done. I'd rather bring one up from past writings and re post it, in this way YOU'll getting that of the SPIRIT and not of the man! I pray this will bless you. Oh, this will actually be the second time this one has been re posted, which is explained below, so GOD must have a reason for it!!! I've got to work tomorrow, so I can't say if a devotional will even be posted at all. Then the computer and I will be moving and when the LORD will bless my getting back online HE only knows. Please keep this ministry and I in your prayers and LORD willing I'll be back sooner then imagined:-)))

   This is a re posting of a previous days devotional. For in the last several weeks much has been trying my soul. Many who are friends on several of the social sites I network are being attacked by those calling themselves Christians, yet bare none of the fruits. From my first days as a Christian the LORD has led me to read much and in doing so, I've been exposed to many of the false teachings. Now you must understand that before I read anything, I always pray and ask the LORD about it and that if there may be some false witness in it, to reveal it to my eyes. In so doing I've read the works of many a different "religion" and teaching and always been blessed to learn their ways of itching peoples ears, to lead them astray. Since my return online several months back I've run into so many of these groups. Today I undertook a mass reading of many of these peoples perversions of the faith and hadn't finished until but a while ago. It would be unfair to write a devotional in so short a time with so much going through my head. LORD willing I will return tomorrow and have another edition for you on Monday morning"

   In today's verse lets look at not just the source of evil, but evil itself, what it consists of. We all should know the stories within the Bible that talk about satan and the evil that he personifies. Lets us take a good look at them.

  James 4:7
    "Submit yourselves, then to GOD. Resist the devil, and he shall flee from you."

   Since the fall of man in the Garden, satan has had a hold of all of mankind and perpetrated his evil into our lives. Any thing that is not centered on GOD and HIS purposes for us are considered of this 'world' and he whom has been allowed to remain dwelling within it, has the power to manipulate it and those that focus their attentions to it. satan has been allowed by GOD to hold this position. he is the "power of the air," " the ruler of principalities and kingdoms", exerting control over those which focus not on GOD and HIS will for them, but on themselves and what they can do for themselves.

   Now don't take me wrong, GOD is the ultimate power in this world, but to allow us to really know the differences between good and evil, the LIGHT and the darkness, right and wrong, HE has allowed there to be the two differing ways. For how would we know the goodness of GOD, if there weren't something to judge it against? Some standards to hold and judge everything by? In scripture it tells us plainly, "I form the light and create darkness," in other words, GOD has set at different ends both good and evil. The one end controlled by CHRIST and all that is good. The other satan, allowed by GOD to control all that is against HIM and HIS ways.

   What are the ways of the darkness? All that sets itself at odds with GOD, HIS KINGDOM and righteousness! These are the things of this world, those things that directly effect our lives in anything that doesn't directly focus on GOD and HIS attributes and HIS will for our lives. Though all things good are given to us by GOD, it is up to us how we use them and relate to GOD through them. Lets say GOD has blessed you with an awesome wife and family, but instead of your raising this family up in relationship to GOD, you allow each member to do their own thing, to live their lives however they choose to. This instead of centering the family's attentions towards GOD and HIS will and ways of living. This would be allowing that which GOD intended us to use for good, in a way that doesn't honor HIM and allows the darkness to prevail. This pertains to everything in our lives, and I do mean everything!!

   I've heard a number of people talking online about cutting back on the amount of time they spend in this pursuit. They feel that they're not honoring GOD by doing so. Now this maybe true, I don't know how they us this blessing, whether for or against GOD, so I can't judge their decision. I have spent anywhere from 12 to 16 hours a day online for the last several months and truly wish I had more. This is because, as with everything I do, it has all(well 99% of it) been focused on serving GOD and bringing glory to HIS name in one form or another! I deem my time as being GOD's time and seek to use it to HIS glory the best that I can.

   In all that we do, we need to judge whether or not through our doing it, if we are bringing glory to the LORD or not. If the answer is yes, then continue it. If the answer is no though, cut it back or completely out of your life. We are told to "seek ye first the KINGDOM of GOD and HIS righteousness," so if what you spend your time in pursuit of, isn't bringing attention to these, it needs to be done away with. For it is through these things that we allow the darkness around us to begin growing in strength within us and we all know this is not meant to be. As Christians, all that we say, do and think is supposed to focus our attention and the attention of others on CHRIST and HIS redeeming works for us. This is not something I can do for you, or any other person can, it is something that each and everyone of us has to do for ourselves. We must draw our strength from the LORD, ask the HOLY SPIRIT in prayer to lead us and help us to make these changes from within. We must take the first steps though, just like in receiving salvation. For GOD is not a 'puppet master' forcing movement or anything upon us. HE is a loving and caring FATHER, WHO wants the best for us and will open the doors, give us the advice, but won't push us through. Will you make the first steps in correcting your walk with GOD? Or will you continue allowing the ways of the world to distract you from all the blessings GOD has for you on the other side of the door?

(after reading through this, I thought that it had nothing to do with the entry line, but after prayer, I've been prompted to leave it as is. May GOD receive the glory and only HE!!!)

Other verses to read: Isaiah 45:7; 1 Cor. 6:18, 10:14; 1 Tim. 6:11; 2 Tim. 2:22; Matt. 6:33; Eph.2:1-10

Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

   Prayer request can be sent to: 

GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Vine Ministerial Network International

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