Monday, April 5, 2010

04-05-10_Phip. 3:10,11_CHRIST crucified (a re post)

Praise the LORD!!!

   I had made plans to write a devotional for today, with today being Easter though there is much upon my heart and I've nothing that I could do justice to in writing. So there will be no new devotional for today, though I will re post one and I think it is a good one considering the days we've just gone through. I pray you'll enjoy it and I also pray that I'll have something new for everyone tomorrow, LORD willing!!!
   Philippians 3: 10,11

   "I want to know CHRIST and the power of HIS resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in HIS sufferings, becoming like HIM in HIS death, and so, somehow to attain to the resurrection from the dead."

   As I've stated before, the all important facts of our faith are to be centered on the works CHRIST has done for us. Both HIS redeeming death upon the cross and HIS resurrection unto eternal life. In these two facts lie all that is important to the faith, for within these lie all our hope. JESUS bore our sins, for all of mankind, upon that cross perched atop the hill Calvary. All the weight of our sinful nature was within HIM and HE willingly took it to the grave with HIM! The perfect sacrifice for all of mankind, in one instant all our sins were gone, totally eradicated from existence. All the years that we had bore them ourselves, they are gone the moment we allow JESUS to take over our lives. That is right, though HE bore the sins of the whole world upon HIS shoulders, it isn't until each and every person makes the personal choice to accept HIS gracious act, that they are wiped away. We each have this choice to make and only we ourselves are responsible for making it, no one else can do it for us and it isn't an automatically done act given to mankind without their doing anything. Though there are those that think this is what was done that day. We are not forced to take it, GOD has given us freedom of choice and we must decide for ourselves!!!

   JESUS' resurrection open the door for us to live life eternally with HIM both in heaven and on earth. This is part of the package deal, we believe in HIM and the works that HE's done and this comes along with the redemption from our sins. These are but two of the great graces that JESUS afforded for us by becoming that perfect sacrifice, in our place. These we won't go into here though, they're not the reason for this devotional.

   Now you say, "you know this and you've totally accepted both of these." Good, that is an awesome fact. But where are your eyes turned, where are your intentions focused? On these two facts, or on all the other promises within the Bible that are yours for the taking? All the blessing are great to know about, but on all of these, isn't truly where our focus is to be. Our focus, as taught within the WORD of GOD, is to be the two acts of CHRIST, those only HE could do for us. For on these rest everything, all those promises are worthless without these two acts done by JESUS and the one act that we are responsible for making. The New Testament writers were so adamant about these being the center focus of their teachings and their lives. We too should take this as a lesson. No matter what comes at us within life, we must continue to keep our eyes upon these, not on our problems or the world around us, but on the redemptive work of CHRIST and HIS bodily resurrection!!! In doing this, we're constantly focusing on our relationship with HIM. In this is the power of GOD manifested, in this is where all those great promises lie. CHRIST crucified and resurrected to life eternal. Focus on these and all the rest, they are right there for us, already within our grasp. So I ask, where are your eyes focused?

Prayer request can be sent to:

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International

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