Monday, February 15, 2010

07-01-10_John 14:6,7_ There are many...(a re post)

Praise the LORD!!!

    ***With all the rain that we've received from Alex here in Kingsville I've had a good bit of work here around the apartment complex. This is because I'm working here as a part time maintenance man, until they find a full time one. I've had this week off from my other maintenance job, to which I'm thankful, because there was a good bit of cleanup work to be done. So I've re posted another devotional from earlier entries. I pray you'll enjoy it***

   In my journeys online today, I have seen many seeking after GOD in many differing ways. The LORD has laid it upon my heart to bring forth this scripture reading for today!

  John 14:6,7
6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.  7 If you really knew me, you would knowa my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.”

   For centuries man has sought out ways to follow GOD, yet there is but only one way to obtain relationship with HIM. That is through HIS SON, GOD incarnate, JESUS CHRIST. Hardly a day goes by without my reading comments by people of differing beliefs, that their way is the only way to have relationship with GOD. I will tell you right now that the only way that this is possible is through HIS SON JESUS CHRIST and the parameters set forth in HIS GOSPEL. There is plain and simply no other way!!!

   No matter how many good works or how good a person's heart is, they can not and will not come into relationship with GOD. I've heard people state,"that so and so by her good works will get into heaven." NOT! Or that you must follow this teachers preaching and methods to obtain right relationship. NOT! There is one way and one way only that anyone can ever hope to achieve a right standing with GOD and that is through receiving and believing in the ONE that HE sent, JESUS CHRIST. 

   There are many gods worshiped by mankind and not one of them has done anything like that of the GOD of the Bible. Not one of them has ever given so many promises and been able to fulfill them while a person is still here on this earth. None have given their lives for those that would follow HIM like the GOD of the Bible. Now I could use HIS name here, in any of it's many forms, but won't for sake of not having any arguments over it. For HIS name isn't the point here, it is HIS living and dieing for each and every person's sins, upon the cross of Calvary nearly two thousand years ago. Did any of the worlds other gods ever go to this extent for their people, let alone all of mankind? Not one of them even came close. Has any of them ever made such an impact upon civilization where HIS followers would gladly face death before thinking about renouncing HIM? Again, not one. Has any of them ever given a prophecy to men, had it written down for centuries, to have it fulfilled just as written? Again, not one! Can anyone reading this state, without any doubts in their heart, that any god of this world has fulfilled any of these points? Let alone all of them combined?

   There may be many differing lines of thought about the GOD of the Bible, that's why Christianity has so many denominations. One thing is for certain though, that is, that they all focus on believing in GOD incarnate, JESUS CHRIST and HIS works for all of mankind. The CHURCH that JESUS came to make upon this earth is supposed to be one united body under HIS leadership. Yet I fear this will never be. For too many times people step in and start teaching ways that are outside of the doctrines and principles set forth within the pages of the Bible. Leading those that won't take the time to study and learn it for themselves, away on a differing path. JESUS told us that there are many ways that seem right unto a man, but only one leads to heaven. Unless people can begin searching out the truths written in the Bible for themselves and not listening to anyone else, this will continue to happen.

   The Bible has held the position of being the number one published book though out history. Yet it is one of the least read of any of the top one hundred or more. Why is this? Because it reveals the truth about the depravity of mankind, cutting those that read it to the bone. Revealing the inner most being, laying them completely bare before GOD. Just like Adam and Eve after they'd eaten the fruit of the tree of knowledge, our sins before GOD are pulled out to the surface for all to see. It renders us incapable of doing anything but falling to our knees and asking GOD to forgive us our sins and come into our lives and lead us in HIS ways. Giving our lives to HIM, that HE may be the one that directs us in our daily walks upon this planet. 

   I am telling no one to believe a single word that I've said! But I am asking that each of you that reads this, to find your Bible, no matter how dust covered it is, or from whatever box you have to dig it out of, and open it up and begin reading it for yourself. Not listening to anyone else and what they have to say about it. Just open it and read it for yourself. If I may? I'd like to give you a place to start reading. Start with the book of John in the New Testament, pray and ask GOD to lead you in what you're about to read and then allow HIM to take it from there!!!


Other verses to read: Well folks I hate to tell you, not really, this is another day that I will leave you totally in GOD's hands, allowing HIM to be the one to lead you on the journey as HE sees fit. There is truly no better place to be then in the loving hands of the ONE and ONLY GOD, HE that created the heavens and the earth and all that is within them!!!

Prayer request can be sent to:

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International

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