Praise the LORD!!!
Today, I had nothing laid upon my heart at first. I've been praying all day for the LORD to bless me with something. Then a short while ago, HE blessed me with answered prayer in more then one way. First the verse and then the second springs forth from it!
2 Cor. 1:11
11 And you are helping us by praying for us. Then many people will give thanks because God has graciously answered so many prayers for our safety.
Our prayers are a very important part of our Christian walk. In them is our first line of communication with GOD. For it is here that HE lives and dwells as the everlasting WORD, in power and actions. We need not to pray only our words though, but HIS WORDS and promises back unto HIM. This is another reason for our reading the Bible.We gain our wisdom, knowledge and strength from remaining within its sacred pages. This is the greatest reason for reading and studying the Bible that there is. For it is truly our source of spiritual food, that which sustains us in our journey. Without it, we grow weak and vulnerable to all sorts of attacks from the adversary. We are warned that "he prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour."(1 Peter 5:8(NIV)) This is no under estimation either, our adversary is constantly looking for the weak and the lame(spiritually) to consume or place upon his trophy wall, like a lot of human hunters will do with a prime trophy. The longer one has been a Christian or the greater their being a source of trouble for his kingdom, the higher their position on his wall of shame.
In the last decade he had more prized trophies upon his wall then ever before, for he has acquired many a big name preacher or ministry leaders. Catching them in some form of temptation or public snare. I'll not name these, because I'll not add to his gloating over them. They, like all Christians, are human and do make mistakes, it is just that they had a more well known name then others that had committed the very same sins! CHRIST died no less for them them even the lowest of us and they're forgiven if they but ask.
The second advantage to our prayers, is the power that flows through them to preform the works of GOD here on earth. Peter was explaining how the prayers of the saints had moved within their walks and enabled them to continue on in the preaching of the GOSPEL. Paul also was known for thanking his fellow Christians for their prayers as well, for they had helped move many of the mountains that had marred his path in fulfilling the great commission. Even today the prayer of the saints help to move the mountains that have hindered the progression of spreading the GOSPEL. Many doors have been opened to allow mission trips or ministries to go out unto the world and preach. Many have been healed from sickness and disease. There is untold power in prayer and I really don't think we've but scratched the surface on exactly how much power there truly is.
Too many people think prayer is but a time to ask for their needs and the needs of others. An yes it is a key purpose of it, but not only that. It is the source of opening the doors of heaven to allow GOD to move in ways upon this earth and within peoples lives like never before able. I know most of you have someone in your prayers that is in need of salvation. Their whole life is a mess of constant sin and disobedience to GOD. Their lifestyle is hindering your prayers from working, but (and this is a big one), GOD has had the doorway opened, so HE can step in and move within this person's life like never before. Remember GOD won't force anyone to take HIS offer of salvation, but with the proper doorway into their lives he can and will move in ways we can only imagine. I've heard some awesome testimonies from people that had been praying for someone for years and had just about given up on the person. When they changed the manor of their prayers for the person and almost suddenly the transformation took place. Many times, by what can only be called the miraculous intervention by GOD.
This change that took place in their prayers wasn't that much of a chore to change. It was the simple use of GOD's WORD and promises, as written in scripture, prayed back to HIM. That's right, praying scripture back to GOD opened up a whole new strength to their prayers and not just in the out going prayers, but also their lives were changed through this also. Not just by them receiving things that they'd asked for, but through a deepening of relationship with GOD. Now I don't know about you, but I'm all for anything that will draw me closer in relationship with the CREATOR of the universe! Especially a way so simple to undertake as this one. It beats fasting all to death, though fasting is a very important way to increase our relational standing before GOD!
Now how would one go about this change? Let's say you have a friend that is in need of being saved. Instead of just asking for their salvation, you would pray John 3:16,or Rom. 10:9 or any of the "Roman Road" verses mixed in with your very own words. In the doing of this you're showing GOD that you believe that which HE's promised and counting on HIS fulfilling that which HE said. This is all it takes to change the power that your prayers have to make greater changes in the world. But this does come with the price of your having to read and study the WORD of GOD more intently and prayerfully. Prayerfully, because you should always account GOD into your Bible and devotional time, for it is HE that moves among them to both change us and those that we pray for.
There is one last bit that I want to give you, something that has dramatically improved my prayer life and my walk as a Christian. That is praying as if already having received the answered prayer. You might think this is jumping the gun a bit, but its not. For we're told in scripture to do this exact thing when we pray(Mark 11:24). This one step has made a greater difference in my life then most any other and one I'll continue till my dieing breath!!!
Now, I said that there was a second part to this answered prayer and there is. Today I have another member of VCM. She lives a good distance away, but she has asked to come on board as a member of the ministry within the prayer team and any other way she can assist. This is a great relief, and answer to an ongoing prayer.Prayers don't always get answered immediately, sometimes they take a while and sometimes even a great while, but they do get answered!!!
Some other verses to ponder: The "Roman Road" verses (in order) Rom. 3:10, 3:23, 5:12, 6:23, 5:8, 10:9-13; Acts 10:20-24; Matt. 21:18-22; Eph. 1:15-23; 1 Tim 1:3-7
Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!
All my verses used in writing are from the NIV, being that it is the only Bible I currently own!!! Then again I may still have fifteen in Ohio, if they haven't been sold, burned or trashed.
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Vine Ministerial Network International
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