Tuesday, March 16, 2010

3.17.10_Acts 4:32_One body

  Praise the LORD!!!

   I'm blessed to be online today. Yesterday, I spent over five hours typing in a blog for my other site, the time was mostly due to the computer problems, not the size of it. After publishing it, my computer froze up and I've been working to get it back online and properly functioning. For some reason, after a hundred and fifty or two hundred words it begins to slow way down, until it gets to a crawl. Where I have to wait for it to enter the words I've typed!?! Really need a new one, but this is in the LORD's hands and I'll but await it patiently!!!

    Acts 4:32

     "Now the multitude of those who believed g were of one heart and one soul; h neither did anyone say that any of the things he possessed was his own, but they had all things in common."
    We as the CHURCH(capitalized, meaning that which CHRIST built) are supposed to be one body in CHRIST. Not a group of individual entities, joined together under a name alone! Though the name of JESUS is the name above all names(Phil. 2:9-11), HIS CHURCH is what HE set up to carry HIS name and HIS teachings to all the world.

   How can we say its surprising that the church has no power these days? One look at the differences between the 1st century church and those of "four walls" today should be enough to reveal the problems. Today, instead "of being of one heart and mind," there are fifty hearts and ten thousand minds.Few can come together, united under ONE, because we can't overlook our differences. Everyone believes their ways are right and the hell with you if you don't agree.

   Are we not told, not to argue over mere words and doctrinal beliefs? Look at the many places in scripture, where one of the apostles was talking about this very topic. Food sacrificed to idols(1 Cor. 8:1-13), eating with the Gentiles (Gal. 2:11-14) and the like were not to be considered. We were to live as one, focused only on CHRIST and not our varying opinions. A body united, consisting of many members, yet still functioning together under one head! The many heads of the church today, operate to a large extent within the four walls of a building. When they do go out, its mostly to bring others into their understanding alone and not into the body of CHRIST. Sure they do works of charity, but when they witness it is along the lines of their understanding only, and this not always that of the scriptures. There may be many right now saying, "well our beliefs are scriptural." I didn't say they weren't, but that not "all" are. When we preach and teach our understandings of scripture, we have a tendency to leave out anything that isn't within the perimeters of our beliefs. Such as those that believe in a rapture, won't preach verses that may go against their beliefs.When really what we should preach, so there is no bias on our parts, is but one thing alone, the GOSPEL! Man's fallen nature, his need for redemption, his inability to be reconciled with GOD on their own and CHRIST's redeeming death, resurrection and ascension for all of mankind, through repentance and belief in CHRIST and these works alone. The rest is up to the person and GOD as to which directions are taken. If they come to your church after wards, then disciple them, but LORD forbid, you throw them out because they don't see eye to eye with you. Each man's opinion is between them and GOD alone and we should accept them on the basis of the fact that they're a believer in CHRIST.

   Now don't get me wrong here, because there are those that preach another gospel. One that is totally twisted by man. These we should combat, not by arguing with them though, but by laying the truth down before them, all backed by scripture, and then allowing GOD to do the rest by the power of the HOLY SPIRIT within the WORDS that you backed up your witness with. A large percentage of these groups are well indoctrinated in their belief system and to argue with them is like beating your head against a wall. Getting you no where and only causing you suffering. The HOLY SPIRIT is far more powerful then any of us and HE can do these works easier then us. So plant your best seed, fertilize it well with scripture and let GOD do the rest. For it is only HE that can change a man's heart, we can't, so let HIM do it!!!

   The whole point of this writing is that we as Christians, need to begin coming together under that which we have in common. Not splitting farther apart because of our differences. We're to be one body under CHRIST, believing in that which HE did for us, not what we believe about all the rest. All these things will someday be made clear to us and we may feel awful silly when we find out that not all of what we professed was the real truth. This though is a matter to be left before GOD and our chore is to continue taking the GOSPEL throughout the world, until there is not one left that hasn't heard it. Seek to fulfill the great commission, through our words, works and actions and allow GOD to be the judge of all the rest!!!

Some other verse to enjoy:  Acts 2:44-47; Eph. 4:2-6; Rom. 12:3-5; 1 Cor 12:12-31
Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

Prayer request can be sent to: prayers@vineofchrist.org

You also may enjoy my other blog: Blogs from the VINE

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International

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