Friday, April 9, 2010

4.10.10_Phil. 1:14-18c_Broadcasting

   Praise the LORD!!!

    Phil. 1:14-18c

    14 Because of my chains, most of the brothers in the Lord have been encouraged to speak the word of God more courageously and fearlessly.  15 It is true that some preach Christ out of envy and rivalry, but others out of goodwill.  16 The latter do so in love, knowing that I am put here for the defense of the gospel.  17 The former preach Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely, supposing that they can stir up trouble for me while I am in chains.b  18 But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true,

   What are your reasons for preaching CHRIST?  Are they one of the reason listed here in these verses that Paul is talking about during his time of imprisonment? For it was during this time that a greater number of people began to reach out and spread the GOSPEL. Though for some their reasons weren't truly that honorable.

   We have those that have seemingly been emboldened by Paul's imprisonment, to reach out to others in the name of JESUS. Those that have become zealous due to his tribulations. Seeking to over come the enemies of the GOSPEL in shear numbers, instead of allowing the jailing of a single man to bring it's spread to a halt. This is something we may need to see happening in times to come, if there is no pre-tribulation rapture! For when the saints begin to be persecuted for the faith(which we're beginning to see even today), we will need to stand up in mass and overwhelm the enemies of the faith. The Christian church in China has grown tremendously during it's persecution. From meer  thousands in the public churches, to several million in the underground church. I've heard firsthand reports from ministers of these churches and the power of the HOLY SPIRIT is moving among them as HE did on the day of Pentecost! Yes, with signs and wonders, unlike anything we see in the majority of churches in the free world.

   Are you preaching the GOSPEL out of envy or rivalry? Just because someone else is doing it and they're having GOD move within their life unlike anything you've every seen. You may wonder why anyone would do this, but there are those out there that have gone into ministry, not because they're called of GOD to do so, but because they're covetous of that which others have been blessed with. Look at all the multi-million dollar ministries out there and mega churches, that seem to be growing larger and larger everyday. Yet, in these the quality of discipleship has gone down, if you even see it, and it all has become about the numbers. We're not told to go out and spread the GOSPEL to see how many we can enlist into our church. But we're told to make disciples out of those that we have introduced to JESUS! How many people get lost in the masses of people within the multiple services of these mega churches? Never growing to much more then a babe in CHRIST, let alone becoming mature enough to go out and bring others into the fold.

   What should be the primary reason for spreading the GOSPEL? Plain and simply the fact that JESUS told us to do so. Yes, it is great to be zealous in doing so, but we each should be willing to go out and tell others about JESUS all the time. Not just when trouble begins to pound at our doors(more on this later.) Our calling is to fulfill the "Great Commission" in every way possible. Not because we want to be famous or add 'notches' to our Bibles, because we've added another convert. We must be willing to not only convert these people, but able to raise them up to maturity or at least, have those around us that can do so. It is best to be able to do this yourself though, for in this it means that you yourself are mature enough to be solid in your faith. It is kind of strange that we're more likely to be so zealous when we're new converts, that we can't wait to tell others about the LORD, then we are when we've matured(this may be another devotionals topic!)

   There seems to be a little something missing here doesn't there? Yes there is! It is the next part of the last verse. for this is what else makes our preaching or witnessing worth while. I've used this verse in several other areas of these devotionals, for other reasons, but maybe none are as important as this one here.
                      18(d,e) "Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice."

   The major reason for spreading the GOSPEL is because we're telling others about the wonderful and free actions that GOD preformed for us. Simply because HE loves us so much that HE was willing to go to the extremes to save us from an eternity of suffering. Who have you told today about the grace JESUS has lavished on you?

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GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International

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