Saturday, June 26, 2010

06.28.10_How come we are...

 Praise the LORD!!!

  CHRIST died and took our place, HE paid the price for, and HE intercedes for! In all these ways CHRIST JESUS is showing HIS love for us.Worthless, decrypted creatures we are and HE has found love for us, deep within HIS heart. So deep is HIS love that HE's gone the distance and given HIS very life for that of others.

   Yet what love do we exhibit in return? Do we show HIM our love in words only? Or do we show HIM our love by the works of our hands being rendered to others? If JESUS so loved us that HE went to these levels to show us, how must it grieve HIM that we do not show love for others by our lives? How much are we grieving the SAVIOR by our heartless actions? How much are we grieving HIM by our very words? How much are we grieving HIM in our lack of compassion, by just offering prayer for a brother in need, when we've the means to alleviate their problems in our hands? (1 John 3: 17) How much do we grieve HIM when we can't even offer up prayers for other, that don't have our own needs tucked in with them?

   Have we become such a heartless and self centered society, that all we do, even when done for others, is done for our own security? We pray for others, because we know that GOD is listening and will remember that we prayed for them. We donate our labor, because we know that GOD is watching and that HE will repay us for the time we've given so freely. We donate our money, because we know that GOD will multiply it back to us. Do you see anything wrong with this picture? Can't you see that there is a focus on self and not on others? Can't you see that these are not CHRIST-like, but as of the world. Doing things only because the return from GOD will be greater then that which we put out!

   Have we become such a worthless generation of saints that all that we do is only done for our personal gains? Look around and see that which is done by others and self. Listen to the very words of your mouth. You put down those that practice any other way then that which you do. Yet they too worship JESUS! You put down those that are what we call 'prosperity preachers'. Yet only will you donate time or money if you know the return will be in your favor.

   GOD has had enough of our worthless ways. We're beginning to see the results of them everyday in the world around us. We're seeing the 'beginning of sorrows,' yet we hear not the trumpet of the LORD. Are we the goats of the parable?(Matt. 25:31-46) Or are we the sheep? Do we hear the still quiet voice of the LORD in all that we do? Or is it the drone of the world that fills our ears? I ask this, with a heart that has been torn open by the heartlessness of Christians, having seen no compassion at all by those that call me brother. How is it that one can give up all to help others, yet those that say they worship the same GOD, do nothing to help this one? How is it that there are those that are in need, right in our sight and yet they walk away still in need? If the LORD is our helper and our supplier. He that takes care of our every need. How is it that we hoard money for the future and turn away those we could help here and now with it? Where is our trust, where is our faith, where is our belief that HE is whom HE says HE is? That we are HIS children, HIS bothers and sisters, that we are HIS called and chosen ones.


There are no verses to go with this entry. It was one convicted upon my heart and meant to stand alone.

 Prayer request can be sent to: 

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

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