Wednesday, July 28, 2010

What do you see?

 Praise the LORD!!!

    Having just finished my devotional time this morning, this lies heavily upon my heart. I hear many instances of people crying out for help. These are Christians for the most part, yet their faith is weak and they can't see that which is before them. In the story of JESUS walking on the water(Mark 6:45-51), what do you see? HIS ability to overcome the natural is most likely the first thing that comes to mind. Yet there is much more.

    JESUS sent the disciples out into a situation that HE knew was going to test their faith. HE knew that HE was able to provide for them and protect them from all that was going to take place. HE was teaching them a great lesson, one that we should grasp hold of. For into no matter what problem within our lives we're cast, JESUS is able to overcome them. Those waves were the problems we face within this world on a daily basis. Our lack, HE shall provide. Our adversities, HE shall overcome. Whether they be of the dealings of man or of nature, JESUS is able to fully overcome the 'storms' within our lives. Take heed to understand and strengthen your faith, for there is nothing that this life can throw at us, that JESUS isn't fully aware of and able to overcome. Let our faith grow and let us fully depend upon HE alone that is able to calm the 'storms' of our lives!!!

  Prayer request can be sent to: 

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International

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