Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Commercialized JESUS

 Praise the LORD!!!

    This morning while reading one of my daily devotional, those I personally read, the LORD laid something upon my heart. Something that is very prevalent today, a commercialized JESUS! Now this might not be exactly how you think of the commercialization of someone. It is not the making of money through the promotion of JESUS and a religion or ministry, but that of serving HIM only for that which we can personally gain through it!!!

   Upon first reading of this article, I did a deep reflection of my own walk, that which is always a must do in devotional readings. Then though, I began to reflect on the 'Body of CHRIST,' HIS CHURCH, as it should be on earth and not just collectively, but each individual member of it. How is it that we each personally see our walks for JESUS? How is it that we each seek to glorify HIS name or is it our names and purposes that we seek to prosper? These are all pertinent questions that we should ask ourselves and view inn light of our worship.

   I'm not seeking to judge anyone, but am working on opening your minds to those things that truly effect the way the world and those we personally interact with daily see JESUS!!! This is important act for us to fulfill the "Great Commission"! For why would anyone want to join a messed up, confused, bunch of hypocrites, whose only goals were to gain personal notoriety and prosperity. Please, think about it!!!

"For those interested, the devotional was "My Utmost for HIS Highest", by Oswald Chambers, for March 12, titled "Abandonment"" It may be a good idea to read this whole thing for yourself and then go onto self reflection:)))

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GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

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