Friday, September 9, 2011

 Praise the LORD!!!

    This morning the LORD has laid upon my heart, the souls and spirits of the next generation. Those whom we as Christian parents a raising up to represent the LORD in the days to come!!! Let us look unto the WORD!!!

   Proverbs 22:6
     Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.

We as parents know that we're the one's responsible for the raising of our children. For those ways that we teach them now are the ways that they follow as they grow up. But, as Christians there is an increased importance here, for we're also responsible for raising them up as reflections of JESUS too!!!   

How we do this is very, very important and should be considered deeply, for it is critical to their future and the future of the KINGDOM of GOD on earth!!! Are we raising them to reflect the world and it's desires, or are we raising them up to represent JESUS as HE reflected GOD unto us???

Do we seek to have them blend in with the world, or do we teach them to reflect that which JESUS calls us too??? Are we, as parents, teaching them to dress as the world??? Do we, teach them to seek after all those worldly desires that everyone else does??? The house, the job, the three cars in the driveway??? What are we teaching them??? It is very, very important and every detail should be considered!!!

(Please forgive the numerous errors here, in layout, for my computer is greatly hindering me in the production of this entry!!!)

Prayer request can be sent to: 

GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries

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