Wednesday, October 12, 2011


  Praise the LORD!!!

    In this turbo charged society in which we live, how often do we fail to slow down and absorb that which GOD has laid before us ??? How often, while flicking thru reams of photos, files and articles, do we truly take a moment to allow HIM to impress HIS message to us, into our hearts ???

   We watch a Christian video and relish in HIS glory while it is playing and then we rush off to download it and re post it for the pleasure of others. Yet, little time do we spend on that which HE would impress upon our hearts. With the advantage of the internet and it's massive heaps of content to devour, many times we just rush from one tidbit of wisdom unto another. Barely slowing for one second to allow it to sink in !!!

   Video after video; comment after comment; worship song after worship song and so forth, we pile up heaps of wonderful and true content, yet we only allow it to brush the surfaces of our hearts. There is a vast storehouse of wisdom in the Bible alone, that sits and goes to waste as we endlessly seek to divulge stacks of information out to others. Where is the gain for ourselves ??? Where is the benefit to others ??? We so overload our minds, that our heart never has time to glean one bit of it all ??? Important questions that we ourselves can only answer and truly only answer with the heartfelt time taken to allow GOD to reveal HIS truths to us !!!

   Slow down and allow all that passes thru our hands, to truly sink in and become something glorious unto the KINGDOM of GOD :)))))))

  Prayer request can be sent to: 

GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries

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