Praise the LORD!!!
It is an awesome day! Why? GOD has graced me with another day of life to glorify HIS precious name!!!
Hebrews 9:22
"In fact, the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness."Though we as Christians are not bound by the laws of the Jews, we are bound by the laws of GOD! Now I'm not talking about those of doing right from wrong(not at this time), I'm talking about those laws that govern our very existence. The laws of nature are always followed by nature, as if they have the choice, we as humans are the only things in creation (besides the angels) that have this option. We can chose how we will exist within this life and constantly exert this it within our lives.
The establishment of this law goes all the way back to the 'Garden of Eden' when GOD slayed an animal to make the coverings for Adam and Eve after their sin. There was blood spilled to cover their sins and as with all of GOD's laws, has been carried down throughout HIStory! If we look throughout scripture it will be plain to see, that whenever man has transgressed the laws of GOD, there was the need to cover it with the blood of a sacrifice. Though most all of these were only a partial covering, the perfect sacrifice that JESUS made upon the cross for us is a complete one. Never having to be repeated, as those of the temple were, year in and year out. JESUS laid down HIS life for us, covering all our sins to date and those within our futures also. It is but our chore to accept this and believe that we shall obtain to that which HE has promised, forgiveness of our sins and eternal life through HIS resurrection. (If you haven't accepted JESUS' gift to you yet, maybe you should really think about it, TODAY!)
No those that practice religion can make no sense of this fact. For they can only see that they must preform certain task, or works, to receive their salvation and eternal destiny. Yet we lay it all down to believe in the selfless act of one person alone and this not being ourselves. they can't see that with this spilling of the blood JESUS cleansed all the sins for humanity, past, present and future. They can only see that they themselves must provide the good works, prayers, penitence or what ever they want to term it. It is not by works of our hands at all, no matter how good a person is, it is only by the one perfect sacrifice that the attonement for our sins can be accomplished. By the blood of JESUS CHRIST, spilled upon Calvary's hill can any man be saved, by the grace of GOD. All one must do is accept these facts, believing that JESUS is the SON of GOD, that HE came and carried our sins to the cross, that HE was buried and rose again upon the third day and they can have the forgiveness of their sins and eternal life!!!
How are your sins forgiven? Are they placed at the foot of the cross, were they bore upon that cross by JESUS? Or are you still trying to live the 'good' life and trying to work it all out by yourself? If there is the slightest doubt within your heart as to what life holds for you now or after you pass away, seek out the truth about JESUS and the truth can be settled today, once and for all !!!
Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!
Ex. 29:21; Lev. 8:15, 17:11; Heb. 8:2,5
Prayer request can be sent to:
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Vine Ministerial Network International
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