Sunday, January 31, 2010

01-31-10_ Acts 26:14

  Praise the LORD!!!

   Due to computer problems this post is a little late and will also be the one posted for tomorrow. Praise the LORD!!! There is a force that truly isn't liking that which I'm doing, so I'll put even more effort into it once I return online. Please pray for the ministry and myself for the adversary is mounting a heavy assault against us, but we know the end of the BOOK and we shall be victorious in JESUS' name!!!

   Acts 26:14

   "We all fell to the ground, and I heard a voice saying to me in Aramaic, 'Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me? It is hard to kick against the goads.'"

   This may not be that which you think it would be. For the LORD led me to an understanding of this that is a bit different and has to deal with events I've seen recently on several of the sites which I post on. There are many whom call themselves Christians, that have been openly blasting others of the faith online. This because their views differ in some way or another from theirs. This kind of behavior in itself is un- Christian, it is not the way scripture tells us to confront diversity within understandings or teachings. It does little more then tear down the view outsiders have of the church and our faith in general.

   The church as stated in scripture is made up of many differing parts, much like the human body. Arms, legs, feet, fingers and the like. Will a glove fit on a foot and work as it is meant to? Will a stocking cap keep your legs warm? Simple put, NO! With the many parts of the body, there are differing needs, as well of methods of their being used. The same is true with the church, some are meant to reach out to the youth, so they use contemporary music and worship as the means. Others reach out to the needy, so they go forth with humble hearts as the hands of the LORD would, providing their needs and assisting in whatever manor they can.

   Who among us can say without the slightest of doubts that GOD hasn't brought about all the differing means of worship, symbolism and even the names that we use for HIM? I don't think I can and I wouldn't. For CHRIST  told the disciples when they had rebuked one for casting out demons in HIS name, yet he wasn't one of the, "Do not stop him,...for whoever is not against you, is for you." So who among us can rightly put down another Christian because of their differing manor of service? I know I can't and won't either, for anyone that truly calls upon the LORD JESUS has but one judge, CHRIST HIMSELF! So what if they call HIM something other then JESUS, or they used contemporary signage or music to draw peoples attention to HIM. They're not preaching against belief in HIM or anything that isn't scriptural, they're just using another means, maybe not one of your choosing, but they are preaching, witnessing or caring for their neighbor as CHRIST would have us all do!

   Those that truly need to have our attentions focused upon them are those that are teaching ways totally outside of scripture. Those that are preaching the words of men, something that god has only given them. That which is not the GOSPEL contained within the Bible or that which has been modified outside of that which is taught within the Bible. These are those that need to have our attentions focused on them and not others that preach, dress, sing or worship in a manor differing then ours, but abiding to that which is in the Bible.

   On my recent trip to Texas, at one of the layovers, I saw a man all decked out in tattoos. Boasting loudly about his artwork and how his life was centered around them. I was about to go talk to him, because he seemed quite prideful. After praying, which I always do before witnessing, I was led not to, but to watch and see what would come next. Like a light switch had been flipped, the man's demeanor completely changed. He'd gotten the attention of the six or so people around him completely, when suddenly he began to witness to the power of JESUS within his life. I listened to one of the most beautiful testimonies I've ever heard and this from a man covered in tattoos and piercings. Praise the LORD!!! I had to leave before he was completed, but I'd say that this man, and probably some of those he was talking to, names are written in the LAMD's Book of LIFE!!! So the next time you want to speak out about another Christian's manors or techniques, how about praying on it first and allowing GOD to lead you on what to say or do!!! Also ask yourself, who are you persecuting, the person and their ways or your SAVIOR?

 Extra readings: Rom. 14:1-15:7; Mk. 9:50; Luke 9:49,50; 1 Cor. 8:12 

Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

Prayer request can be sent to:

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International

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