Wednesday, March 3, 2010

3.04.10_Matt. 15:8_Who are you honoring?

 Praise the LORD!!!

   Today's verses originally was written in the Old Testament, for those straying from following the Law. Here though, CHRIST resurrects them, to witness against those following the Law in but a shadow of its true purpose. Yet there is so much more to it then this and we shall dive in to it's depths. Watch it though, I feel the bottom is rocky!!!

   Matt. 15:8 (Isa. 29:13)

       8 “ ‘These people honor me with their lips,
but their hearts are far from me.
 9 They worship me in vain;
their teachings are but rules taught by men.’d

   During the time of CHRIST, as most know, there wasn't the New Testament to go by. All of the scripture quoted was from one of the Hebrew Holy Books, to which there were several. They had not yet been compiled into what we call the Holy Bible or the Hebrew Tanakh. When first written, our verses were referring to those of the Jewish nation that gone astray and were not following GOD's precepts. Here though JESUS takes it to a whole new level, much the same as HE did with all the rest of Old Testament laws.

   Here HE was being questioned by the Pharisee and some teachers of the Law as to some of the actions by the disciples and ultimately JESUS HIMSELF. JESUS turns the tables on them though and made their question's answer ultimately come back upon them in judgment. HE had a way of doing this, especially when they were trying to trick HIM into a trap, where they could condemn HIM for breaking the Law. This though is not purpose here, it is to bring the verse into reference for us today,

   What is it that "comes out of our lips?" Is our speech always something that brings glory to GOD? Or is it mostly about things that would really be unimportant to HIM? With our calling to glorify the name of JESUS in all that we say, our speech should be very well tempered and restrained. There should be nothing that would dishonor HIM within it. Which means that every word should be uplifting to another and all around beneficial to their lives. This means for those we love, as well as those that are against us. No word that proceeds out of our months should have any negative connotations to it and in all rights we should be honoring GOD with every single syllable of it too. This too though, is not that which we are seeking, though of great importance and worthwhile  to think upon!

   Where truly is your heart today? Is it fully seeking after relationship with JESUS? Is HE still your first love? Is HE first and foremost in all that you say and do? Are you honoring HIM completely within your life? All these questions stem from these next few WORDS of this scripture, "but their hearts are far from me." Seven simple little words, which mean very little by themselves, a little more when put together and a whole lot more when spoken by the LORD HIMSELF!!!

   So I ask you this, if your words aren't honoring JESUS and your heart isn't seeking to glorify HIS precious name, how can you call HIM your LORD and SAVIOR and call yourself a CHRISTian? I'm not trying to 'trash' anyone or put them down, and certainly not judging them, but the LORD has laid this upon my heart a lot here lately. Most of you know that I'm networking over a dozen internet sites, for the purpose of bringing  attention to the LORD's ministry for me, Vine of CHRIST Ministries. I've run into more people that call themselves Christians, yet, I truly can't tell the difference between them and the rest of the world. Plus there are those that are trying to preach things totally outside of the Bible, writings of men, teaching from books for centuries left out of anything close to scripture. Even books from other religious beliefs, and all of it being done under the title of Christian. I truly believe it is time that all who want to bear this name, step back and take a good long look at what you truly believe, and get in step with that which is taught by JESUS within the sacred confines of the Bible!!! 

  No follow up verses today. This is one that I think even the strongest of Christian should think on. I've been thinking on it all day and I'm still not done. I pray, that you will pray, for the LORD to open your eyes and heart to a fuller and closer walk with HIM. that HE will draw you closer then ever before and that HE will give you a deeper understanding of what it means to bear the name CHRISTian!!!

Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

Prayer request can be sent to:

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International

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