Thursday, March 4, 2010

3.05.10_Psalms 22:7,8_ Dependence

 Praise the LORD!!!

    As I've said before, there are times when the LORD lets me go about my day, never laying anything upon my heart to write about. Today, was one of those days and I was beginning to wonder if I were going to re post something. Then it hit me, while in the middle of running my social sites and reading some of the comments other people were leaving.

   Psalms 22:7,8

 7 All who see me mock me;
they hurl insults, shaking their heads:
 8 “He trusts in the Lord;
let the Lord rescue him.
Let him deliver him,
                since he delights in him.”

   Here we have what a large number of Christian face in their day to day struggles in the world. We are constantly assaulted by those not of the faith. Whether they believe in a god or not, it doesn't truly matter, they just love trashing Christians, almost as if it were a hobby or their job. Many, Christians, get a bit riled up over this, when truly it shouldn't bother us at all. We need to remember that JESUS forewarned us about this very thing(John 15:18).

   I've heard of friends in the ministry that are running Bible related sites online, that are constantly having their sites hacked or bombarded with trashy statement and pictures. Others that are constantly battling with people to maintain an order of decency in their comments. I guess I've been blessed in these matters, because it has yet to happen, though I have expected it. But it could have a relationship to the fact that I allow everyone a bit of a free rein and only will boot someone off if they fail to take the first warning as serious. I've people on these sites from many different religious backgrounds and beliefs and as long as they maintain a basic civilized attitude to their comments I'll allow them to continue posting.

   I've had many good conversations with people of some of these groups, even to go as far as to read into that which they believe. But only as far as the HOLY SPIRIT guides me to though. I've actually, through all my years as a Christian, studied a good number of the cults. This with the understanding that we can only combat that which we know, inside and out, effectively. I've read the Jehovah Witnesses literature, that of the Mormons, Seven Day Adventist and numerous others. All to understand that which they teach and believe in order to be able to witness the truth of the Christian faith to them!

   We are going to have people from all walks of life that will disagree with that which we believe, and it is our duty, yes duty, to be able to give a strong testimony about our faith(2 Tim. 2:15 (KJV)). There are going to be those that no matter what we place before them they're going to disagree over something and there is nothing at all that we can do about it. All people are seeking after truth in some form or another, and the only way they're going to find that which we know and love to be true, is if GOD moves within their hearts, convicts them of their sins, and allows the GOSPEL seed to be planted. It is not our job to change people's hearts, only GOD the HOLY SPIRIT can do this. But it is our job to be ready, willing, and able, to plant that which we've been given, when the time is right.

   So no matter what someone says about you or GOD, realize this, that same GOD that they're putting you down for following, or that they're putting down, is the same one that they'll be standing before on judgment day. We don't know GOD's plans for peoples lives, look at me, I ran from GOD for nearly forty years before HE put the brakes on for me. Maybe someday, one of those people that having been giving you a hard go of it, because of your beliefs, will be one that is in need of your planting the seed of the GOSPEL. There should be no "I told you so's" or gloating, but there will be rejoicing in heaven for the soul of one that was lost, but now is saved!!! So where do you put your dependence, on yourself? or GOD?

A few verses to read: Psalms 38:1-22, 69:1-36; Prov. 8:1-36; John15:18-25

Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

Prayer request can be sent to:

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International

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