Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Who am I???

 Praise the LORD!!!

    Good morning!!! Though it isn't exactly what most would call morning:))) You see, it isn't even six o'clock (AM) yet, but the LORD has awoken me, so I'm up and awake. Awaken in the usual manor, a cramp in my right foot. Not an overtly painful cramp, but one that feels more like a huge thumb compressing the center of it. As usual, when this happened, at first, I said "Praise the LORD, I'm awake LORD," but snuggled back up in the warm blankets. This wasn't supposed to be my proper reaction and the cramp returned:))) (the LORD is persistent in HIS leading, that is if you truly follow it!!!) Another PTL, though this time it was followed with my rolling out of bed and saying, "sorry LORD."

   Heading right to the computer and since it hadn't gone into 'sleep mode' yet, I moused it and got it up and running. Now, I've not sat down yet, so into the kitchen to switch on the coffee pot and then off to the bathroom. Returning then to the computer and asking "what now LORD?" Off to one of my devotional readings, Morning and Evening, and then to the internet. Since I cleaned my system last night, I had to get my browser up and running. After doing so, the leading was this, blog time!!!

   Who am I??? A question many would have to ponder, not I, for the answer was supplied:))) (thanks LORD!!!) I am but a man saved by grace. A piece of human trash, picked up by the LORD, just before it was headed to the fire for disposal. Picked up and recycled, shaped into something totally unlike that which it was before. The only resemblance to the old, is on the outside, for everything on the inside has been totally renewed. Where there had been pride and arrogance, is now humility. Where there was a strong will, there is now one that listens to the slightest of leading, not those of man or the world, but only of GOD. A man that could always figure things out, with an extremely sharp mind, now, totally dependent on that which comes from the heart.

   This is the one that really gets me and truly shapes my life now. When something happens, my mind goes into action, thoughts reeling through it, reaction after reaction are formulated. Yet, only that which my heart leads me to, is done. Now, why listen to your heart, when it is so prone to making mistakes and getting one in trouble? This may be a true statement of a 'natural man', but isn't so of a born again Christian and spiritual man!!! You see, in the natural man, the heart is the seat of the emotions, whereas in the spiritual, it is the home of the LIVING GOD!!! How this came to be, I couldn't tell you. All I know, is that I've totally given myself to the LORD, I'm an empty vessel, overflowing with HE that gave HIMself for me upon the cross, and I love every moment of this new life!!!!!!!

   Many post things that have stirred their hearts, whether good or bad. I think upon the matter and then only post that which I'm led to from my heart. There is a difference. One is reliant upon our emotions and self, whereas the other is reliant upon the HOLY SPIRIT alone. Many will be stirred by a dislike of someone or somethings actions and make statements bordering on and sometimes over the lines of committing a sin. Not I, for it is laid upon my heart, the reasoning behind whatever has stirred one to action, then given a response to it. If I post on this action, it isn't my response, but only that which I'm led to!!! There is a difference!!!

   So, who am I??? A no one, but one that has given his life totally to following the LORD's leading. A man that has given up his own will, for the will of the LORD for him. One that no longer has a life, seeking after his own enjoyments, but one that is willing to do whatever he's led to, no matter the consequences. Follow my words, I'd not recommend it, for that is not my place. Listen to the LORD and follow HIM alone!!!:)))

 Prayer request can be sent to: prayers@vineofchrist.org 

GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries

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