Friday, April 30, 2010

5-01-10_Luke 7:11-13_Don't cry (a re post)

Praise the LORD!!!

   It is good to have another day to bring glory to the precious name of JESUS and to share in the study of HIS WORD!!! What a shame I have to re post something, instead of supplying fresh manna to my readers!!! In the LORD's time though, in the LORD's time!!!

 Luke 7:11-13
   "Soon afterward, JESUS went to a town called Nain, and HIS disciples and a large crowd went along with HIM. As HE approached the town gate, a dead person was being carried out- the only son of his mother, and she was a widow. And a large crowd from the town was with her, HIS heart went out to her and HE said, "Don't cry."

   Here we see a suffering widow, having lost her only son, a sad condition even for today. There would be no one to carry on the family name or inheritance. Compassion for her filled our SAVIOR's heart and HE said but two simple WORDS, "Don't cry." At many times in life we fight with lesser problems and we allow them to overwhelm us. Breaking us down to our very foundations, where we cry out to GOD for relief. How much more grief would we be suffering, if it were us in this woman's shoes? Seeing the hopes of all the years, being carried out to be buried?

   As usual though, the LORD hasn't left me with just this view of this occurrence. We often treat most of our problems in this very same manor. Crying over things that we should realize are all within the ample hands of the LORD. They're all covered somewhere along the lines of scripture, within HIS promises to us as believers. So why do we cry about all these little things, when we hear HIM telling us, "Don't cry," over these little problems? Is it because our faith is so insignificant in comparison to our problems? Or is it because they're so much larger then our LORD? Truly I hope none of you have answered yes to either of these questions. For if you did, you had better re-examine your beliefs and just how you envision the LORD!

   It is usually because we have a large lapse in memory and don't remember all the great works the LORD has done within our lives. Our current problems seem to loom so large in our sight, that we envision them to be humongous mountains that can never be overcome. We have lost sight of HE that created all of the universe with but a few simple WORDS, "Let there be."? Here we are cowering on the ground, whimpering like fools about our tremendous difficulties and we call JESUS our LORD and SAVIOR!!! Think long and hard about this. The GOD of all the universe has take up residence within us. HE has made many, many promises, of which HE can't break the simplest of them without being in violation of HIS very nature. HE is all knowing, can be in every place in the universe at the same time and can keep even a single sparrow from falling to the ground without HIS allowing it!!! So what do we really have to cry about?

   We are told to pray and ask the LORD for our needs and desires and we're also told that HE already knows them! We should, instead of crying out over them, simply state the problems before HIM, thank HIM for hearing our request and for answering them according to HIS will and not ours. No tears, no jump in our blood pressure, just a simple request, short and sweet. So the next time all of hell seems to be knocking at your door and tons of weight is hanging from your shoulders, remember these two simple words, "Don't cry!!!"


Please don't take me the wrong way on that which I'm led to write. I myself, for years and at times still do have such problems in my walk with the LORD! Being a human and weak by nature, we all can forget who it is that we place our reliance upon and exactly how great HE truly is!!! These are learning lessons, not thrashings for doing wrong. Take them and savor them, look deep into their lines and LORD willing, we will a someday hear HIM say, 'Well done, my good and faithful servant, well done!!!'

Other verses of interest: Matt. 4:23,24; Mark 5:21-24, 35-43; Luke 4:40,41, 13:10-13; John 11:1-44
Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

Prayer request can be sent to:

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International

Thursday, April 29, 2010

4.30.10_ No post today

Praise the LORD!!!

    There will be no post for today. I've not the time to even prep a re post from an older posting and do it right. I'll not do a shabby job when it comes to serving the LORD. That's why I'm so late at getting online, I did the people I worked for today a job that I would of been pleased to of set before the LORD. I do all thing as if unto the LORD and this includes these devotionals. So if I've not the time or leading to do it properly, I'll not do it!!!

 Prayer request can be sent to:

 Another of my writings, Blogs from the Vine

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth 

Vine of CHRIST Ministries 

Vine Ministerial Network International

Monday, April 26, 2010

4.27.10_Psalm 119: 71,72_Life worth living

 Praise the LORD!!!

    In the years since my having become a Christian, I've told numerous people that the years I spent in prison were the "best of my life." If you've never heard me say this or you've not known that I'm an x-con, you should stop by the ministry's website and read up a bit. for it is all there for the free reading. Even my book, Out of the LIGHT, is there an can be read online or downloaded and read anytime you'd like. All for free and in a good bit of detail, though toned down a bit for the sake of being in good taste. My life was a royal mess for the most part and not something I'd wish on another person. Needless to say, GOD had a very good purpose for every little detail of it happening as it did and each and everyone of these details worked to form me into the man I am today and gave me the testimony that I have for the LORD!!!

  Psalm 119: 71,72

 71 "It was good for me to be afflicted
so that I might learn your decrees.
 72 The law from your mouth is more precious to me
than thousands of pieces of silver and gold."
    Many times in life we'll go through afflictions and trials that change us into a totally different person. Sometimes these happen for the betterment of ourselves and at others to our detriment. We've choices to make as to which way these direct us. Now GOD already knows the outcome of these, that part of HIS omnipresence. HE can see the beginning of time, as well as the end of it, as well as every little detail in between.This is something that gets people confused about our predestination and our being creations with a free will, but this is another devotional (maybe). While I was in prison my life took a total turn for the good. I gave my life to CHRIST wholeheartedly and came under a whole new set of ground rules. These rules began to turn my life from that of a person totally focused on self, into one that focused on the needs and cares of other first. No longer was I a self centered ***, but one that was willing to go the extra mile when asked to go but one. To give my coat, when only asked for my shirt. My personal needs and wants became second nature, for the most part, because no one is perfect and I'm still human and still have those needs that would be nice to have met. I've not read of a single saint throughout history that claimed to not be in a battle with their old man, the flesh, at some time within their lives. It is something we all need to realize, we are human, none of us are named JESUS CHRIST and we aren't perfected yet, so we have our weakness' and always will until we join the LORD.

   But it was this time that I was in prison that began to shape the man that I would become for the LORD. I began to read and study the Bible. Not just a slight reading of it, but a digging deep into it. Reading everything that I could find on it and that which was being laid upon my heart. Yes, even then I was allowing the HOLY SPIRIT to govern that which I read and studied. Before reading a single verse or article, I put it to prayer and asked GOD to guide me and lead me in HIS understanding of what I was about to read. To develop in me a heart and mind that understood things as HE wanted me to and not to draw interpretations or ideas from other men. This was, I know now, protecting me from those things that are besetting much of the church today and will be getting even worst in the years to come. These have to do with errors that have been taught down through the years by men that had taken interpretation into their own hands instead of allowing GOD to direct them. From these we've developed new age religion and many of the false doctrines that are prevalent today in many of the denominations. I'll not go into these, for this isn't the time or the place for this to be done and not the topic of this devotional.

   The topic for today is the fact that GOD's ways are better then anything that we have to offer. Whether riches or power, GOD's ways outshine them totally. My time in prison was overshadowed by the fact that I was spending every moment of it in searching for understanding about GOD and HIS ways. Not in pursuing after things of this world and self satisfaction. At one time I was taking so many Bible studies that I was completely overwhelmed by them. It was something like seven or eight at once. Which may not of been that bad, had they been on one topic and of coarse they weren't. The idea behind this is that I was thinking about my life and the amount of time I was looking forward to doing inside. I was looking at growing closer to GOD with each and every breath that I took. Time had become irrelevant and of no concern to me. GOD was all that mattered and growing closer to HIM was my major concern alone.

   Here is where the events of the last several months have gone astray. I've come down here to Kingsville with the intent to form this ministry into a working operation and have forgotten about GOD. I've not forgotten about GOD totally, but I've forgotten the fact that it is my personal relationship with HIM that is the most important part of life. There is no other reason within this world that is totally worth sacrificing one's life for. Down through the centuries thousands, if not millions of saints have done this exact thing for the faith. I'm not talking about religion either, and yes there have been millions that have given their lives for this pursuit too. But to give one's life for JESUS and a deep personal relationship with HIM, there is nothing and I do mean nothing that is or should be considered more appealing. Life on this old planet of ours is rough, but when one focuses on the proper perspective in living it, no matter what happens, its a joy. Whether it be good or bad, enjoyable or tragic, plentiful or in great need, if done with one's eyes firmly focused on living for JESUS one will be able to say that it was the best time of their life!!!

Prayer request can be sent to:

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Sunday, April 25, 2010

4.26.10_Matt. 6: 33,34_Seeking first

Praise the LORD!!!

   It is but a little after six AM. here and I've been up for over two hours already. Most likely along the lines of three, but I didn't get out of bed for the first hour or so! This is what happens when you complain to GOD that you've not enough time to accomplish that which HE's enlisted you too. Yes, HE makes the time available somewhere within your day, either by stretching it early or late or maybe even giving you a break in the middle! This isn't the first time I've had GOD restructure my days for me:)))

   This morning when I first awoke, besides my normal praise and thanksgiving for another day, this morning had a "why so early LORD?", I awoke with a thought deeply planted in my mind. My purpose in life is but to seek after GOD righteousness and holiness and nothing else! With all that I've been shown that the ministry will entail, I've allowed a large amount of it to block me from my primary goal. To draw closer to GOD in all things, for this is truly what we're to concentrate on in our walks for the LORD. To "seek ye first" literally means to draw closer to GOD and nothing else. We tend to put everything else in this package along with it. In other words, if we've a ministry like VCM, we seek to build it and bring it to development. We seek to do all those things that we believe GOD wants us to, in order to do that which we believe HE has called us to. An not focusing on that which HE truly has called us to, to relationship with HIM and this alone!!!

   Matthew 6:33,34

     33 "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.  34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."
   I have spent hours/days trying to do graphics work for the ministry on this old computer. I've spent numerous days worth of time trying to draw people's attention towards it and the goals that it is to fulfill. I've spent many an hour talking about the needs of a ministry of this type and size and how it will be funded by the people of GOD alone. All to what seems like no avail and frustration. I'd literally come to that proverbial 'straw that broke the camel's back.' This is the reason for this morning's verse to me. This is the reason so many others in ministry fall by the wayside with "burnout". We take our eyes off JESUS, the prize, and focus on the chore, the means of getting there and all it takes to accomplish it, instead of the reason for it all. We're told to focus on HIM and HIS KINGDOM and all else will be added, not to focus on all the add-ons first and then worry about that which we should of been rightfully seeking after. JESUS first.

*** Though this was typed yesterday, the LORD had me delay posting it. It is short, but it is sweet and to the point!!!*** With my working and the new time constraints, postings will be done earlier then before. Though I've still no idea when this will be, for as with all things, they're in the LORD's hands and not mine!!!***

 Prayer request can be sent to:

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International

Thursday, April 22, 2010

04-23-10_1 Cor. 9: 16-18_The cost of preaching...(a re post)

Praise the LORD!!!

***Due to the events of the day, there hasn't been a new posting for today supplied, so I'll re post one from an earlier date***

   In the day and age of mega churches and ministries that sell just about everything imaginable, I've been led to these verses and am to expound upon them this day!

   1 Cor. 9: 16-18

   "Yet when I preach the GOSPEL, I cannot boast, for I am compelled to preach. Woe to me if I do not preach the GOSPEL! If I preach voluntarily, I am simply discharging the trust committed to me. What then is my reward? Just this: that in preaching the GOSPEL I may offer it free of charge, and so not make use of my rights in preaching it."

    Now, I've not yet been called to preach, though I have given my testimony on several occasions. Maybe I should restate this though, I've not been asked by men to preach, though GOD has shown me that I will someday be filling these shoes also! There are many methods off preparation for preaching and most rely solely upon the knowledge of the man himself and allowing GOD to administer HIS guidance for the presentation. In so doing the man himself becomes the source of the message and not GOD where the message originally was given birth. In this way the man has become the source, the means and the broadcaster of the message and can assume a position of boasting. Paul here is showing that it wasn't his personal wisdom or knowledge that was being brought forth, but he was 'compelled' by GOD to present it in the manor in which he did! Not the man, but the MASTER was the source of the message.

   If you're like me, you've been to services that were so dry and boring that they could barely hold your attention. This is greatly due to the fact that the message wasn't supplied by GOD in the power of the HOLY SPIRIT, but was developed and presented by a man (speaking generically, for it could be a woman also.) To often today in the preparations of sermons the writer depends solely upon their own knowledge and abilities to produce the outcome. Where as it should be started with prayer, asking GOD to provide the WORDS and the power to bring it forth. Without the doing of this, we've ended up with a church that is weak and in disrepair and rightly needs to be rebuilt by the LORD from the ground up.

   Another condition that has sprung from these loins, in combination with the churches joining up with the world, is the charging for all things presented before the church and other people. Books, CD's and DVD's, tapes and lessons, all at a cost. I know what the result would be if JESUS walked into one of these churches and saw all the vendors tables offering wares for sale. It would be a repeat of the scene in the temple where HE over turned the money changers tables. Righteous indignation it was called. HE had all rights to be mad, for they'd turned the temple/church into a store. In our verses today, Paul eluded to the fact that he preached the gospel freely, in all rights he felt it an honor to be able to and didn't want to be paid or a burden to anyone because of it.

   Oh how different our churches would be if this were the case. Now I know there will be those that say that, 'the ox deserves his reward,' eluding to the fact that those who labor are deserving of their pay. This is true and very scriptural. Yet may I ask this though, are we supposed to charge for that which was given unto us freely? When the oxen were allowed to feed as they tread the grain, they weren't allowed to stay there until they completely ate their fill, but only so as to provide for their sustenance while working. We see these days preachers living in million dollar homes, being driven around the country in limos, or flying around in their private jets. Wouldn't this money be better spent helping those in need through outreach? I know what a number of them will say, 'well it helps speed up our delivery of the GOSPEL, allowing us to reach more souls for GOD.'  What I've seen it doing for the most part is putting more money in their bank accounts and not out into the harvest fields.

   Years back, when I was first start VCM, I sent out request to a majority of these large ministries, asking for assistance in getting it going. Out of over twenty letters sent out, not counting all the emails request sent, I received back only two with any help. One sent back over $300 worth of teaching tapes and books, while the other only sent a packet of example literature which I could purchase through their ministry. The rest sent back letters stating they couldn't assist at the time, but would keep me within their prayers. You know the really funny part about this, I wasn't asking for their monetary assistance at all, though it would of been welcome, I was asking for their guidance in setting up the ministry and organizational assistance! But received very little of any at all, in either form. Now here are these multi-million dollar organizations preaching the WORD of GOD daily in all forms of media, yet they followed not scripture when it came to helping a brother in the faith when in need! Praise the LORD!!! The things HE has shown me about that and the very distaste it leaves upon these ministries.

   Our preaching is to be set upon a solid foundation provided by the LORD and given freely as it has been given to us. Not in the manor in which it has become so popular to do today. The church, as it sits today in a saddened state, is the results of these practices being carried out for so long. Many will state that their church isn't in this condition and that they do many great things to further the spread of the GOSPEL. May I ask that they truly take a good hard look at their church of today and it's practices and policies, and then look at the church as it was in the first couple of century. I truly believe that what they will see will be eye opening and I pray that it will stir their hearts to seek changes within their churches. There have been many great movements in church history throughout the centuries and if you were to look around today, you may just see another one about to begin!!!

More verse of interest: Matt. 10: 8; 1 Cor. 9: 7-12; 1Tim 5: 18; Dt. 25: 4; John 6: 27
Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

Prayer request can be sent to:

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Luke 9:23-25_Cost of Discipleship

 Praise the LORD!!!

    The cost to follow JESUS is seldom thought about by many people. It sure isn't something that is taught in most churches, especially before a person gets saved! Why is this? Have any of you wondered about these two facts before?

    Luke 9: 23-25

      23 "Then he said to them all: “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.  24 For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will save it.  25 What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit his very self?"" 

   How many of you remember the person that introduced you to JESUS telling you about the above verses? Now even though I was brought to CHRIST through reading a book, it surely didn't mention these! Plus I've been in attendance in years worth of church sermons and plenty of other Christian activities and I've seldom ever heard these verses preached on. Especially in the context of witnessing to people's need of JESUS within their lives. Sure we'll hear that a person has to deny themselves and pickup their cross and follow JESUS after conversion, but never to my knowledge have I heard it before!

   Most likely for a good reason too. How many people do you think would want to pay the price required for something that they can't feel or touch. Something that they have to take totally by faith in the WORDS of the Bible or of another person and their experiences. Most of what we hear is, when it comes to the cost, is the great price that JESUS paid for each of us and that our cost is nothing. It's a free gift of grace, which it is, but it also comes at a great price in the long run. For we must be totally willing to surrender our lives, wills and aspirations, in order to follow JESUS fully and in the manor that HE truly requires. Now I call that a pretty sizable cost in the end.

    The fact of it is though, that this cost is far outweighed by two factors. The cost that JESUS paid for us and the fact that our salvation and an eternity in heaven both make the price of forsaking all look like pocket change. Even if someone had heralded me into following JESUS by telling me the true cost of it all, I'd of still followed HIM as I am these days. Now it may of taken a little more work on HIS part to of brought me to this point, but I truly believe I'd of given HIM my life just like I did. When I think about it, there really wasn't much more HE'd of needed to of done to me. For at the time of my conversion all I could see of what my life had been and was looking like for the future wasn't very good at all. If you don't know my story, I was one of those that was totally broken. I had a crushed and contrite heart and I could see nothing of a future worth living.

   I'm sure there are Christians out there that didn't come to know JESUS in this kind of conditions and if they'd of been preached our verses for today before hand, I doubt if they'd of made the choice to become a Christian. I truly do. This could have a large part to do with the fact that there are so many Christians that are weak and back slid-den these days. Part of the reason why so many are falling away when life gets a little rougher then they think it should be. This kind of brings me to a dellemia. Then again no it doesn't, because there is no falsehood found in JESUS and anyone that truly preaches the GOSPEL should preach it in truth and nothing but the truth. It may put a big dent in my conversion numbers, but one thing I will know, is that I didn't misrepresent my LORD and SAVIOR in the least. I didn't lie or sugar coat the truth, I give people the unadulterated truth and nothing but. To me it isn't about numbers anyway, its about bringing another person into a personal relationship with the LORD. A LORD that has turned my life around for the better. Has turned me into a totally different person then I was or ever could of became in the manor I was going. This is the GOSPEL that I preach and the only one that I will ever!!!    

Other writings by Rev. Barth, "Blogs from the Vine"
Prayer request can be sent to:

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

4.21.10_What if?

 Praise the LORD!!!

   ***Exactly how I'm going to be taking care of the devotionals, I've no idea. I've started working to provided the needs of the ministry and myself. So now the work that the LORD has had me doing online will have to be put on hold, until I'm off and have the time and inspiration. I'll be re posting some of the older post and writing when led to, but since all things are known by GOD and are according to HIS purpose, HIS will is being done one way or the other. Awesome how that works isn't it!!!***

     There are many in this world that have differing opinions about everything imaginable! To be a fact it is equal to the number of people on the planet or at least very close to it. This has to do with the way we were created, created separately and not out of a mold, or as some would like to think totally by chance of evolution. Even when there is a set limit or foundation to something, there are always tolerances allowed. There is nothing within this world that is 100% of the time exactly the same. Even GOD, who is always the same, never acts within different people's lives exactly the same. For with HIS being our creator, HE has a differing plan for each of us to fulfill and with this, we each have differing standards that HE will preform changes within each of our lives.

   There are many preachers and many differing styles of preaching and sermon preparation. There are also many different understandings of the Bible. Some preach one thing and another says that there is no way possible that this could be true. I can read the same verses you've just finished reading and come up with something slightly different. No wonder there are so many different denominations. If I can read that which you read and have a different point of view as to what it means, translate that times almost two thousand years and you've got an even big difference of opinions to look at. Now if you've not noticed something in that which I've said, I'll point it out to you. I've left all this void of the one thing that brings us into total agreement. That is dependence on the one and only source we all should depend upon for our understanding of the Bible, the HOLY SPIRIT!!! Only through our relying upon HIS leading and tutoring can we ever hope to stand on common ground when it comes to worshiping and understanding GOD. There is no two ways around it either. We must rely upon GOD as the source, interpretation and means of teaching of the Bible.

   Just look around you and see what not following this standard has evolved into! This evolution, isn't by chance either, it is the soul creation of GOD for HIS purpose for mankind. Yes, that's right. GOD has a purpose behind the fact that there are so many differing views of the Bible and its contents! Why, you may ask? For the same reason as all other differences within this vast world of our, they'll all bring about HIS perfect plan for mankind and the KINGDOM of GOD. We can't even begin to reason as GOD does, our minds are so limited in their abilities. If we could know some of the most basic of subjects as well as GOD does, we'd be amazed at the fact that mankind has made it this far through history without self annihilating itself! That's right, if we could manage to understand existence just on thousandth of a percent as GOD does, we'd most likely of pulled the plug on this planet and mankind a long time ago!(and I'm most likely way off on that percentage!) When I begin to wonder about the greatness of GOD I truly wonder why HE has just wiped us out and started all over again. For we truly are that much of a mess. It doesn't take much to see this fact to be true. A half hour worth of evening news should be enough to convince anyone of this fact.

   But thank GOD HE is as forgiving as HE is and as tolerant of our constantly messing things up as HE is. For surely we have greatly strayed from HIS ways and seldom managed to get very much right. I look forward to the day and time when we will join the LORD in eternity and will take on HIS holy likeness and will know everything that HE has known since before the beginning of time. Then and only then will we truly realize how patient and loving HE has been with this creation that HE calls man!!!

other writing by Rev. Barth, "Blogs from the Vine"
Prayer request can be sent to: 

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International

Monday, April 19, 2010

4.20.10_Read your Bible!

Praise the LORD!!!

    Here in the last week or so the LORD has been doing things a bit differently with me. Where I'd been using a scripture as the foundation of my devotional, HE's led me to use a topic instead. So instead of starting off with something to build off of, I'm kind of left dangling in the air. But this has proven to be interesting, for it has opened my mind to many things that had been long forgotten and needed to be uncovered to bring out into the light. Now these things aren't those of my personal past, but things that the LORD had me witness to as I was growing up through the years, all the way up until I'd given my life over to HIM (@39).

   For those familiar with my book, Out of the LIGHT, you'll know that my life was greatly influenced by GOD, yet totally void of any acknowledgment of HIM. For those not familiar, I'll brief you a little. I was raised spending most every Sunday in church until around the age of twelve, though never giving my life to JESUS. This was due to my being born with a heart problem and my mother, whom was deeply faith filled, had promised this in return to GOD for my healing. Where she had come up with this kind of faith, I have no idea, because I can't remember her but seldom going to church with my sister and I, but she had a deep and wide faith that was hard to beat. She had made a promise to GOD and she was hell bent on keeping it until I was completely healed, which she did. At twelve years of age the doctors released me from a restricted activity lifestyle and my mother also released me from the church regiment. Though I wasn't going to church, I did belong to a Catholic Boy Scout troop and still managed to hear a good bit of Christian conversation. For though it was Catholic sponsored, it was made up mostly of people from other denominations.

   Also around the house when my dad was at work or play, mom liked to listen to Christian radio, which was far different then it is today. After my mom's healing from cancer in '75' she began to watch Christian TV whenever possible. This due to the fact that Oral Roberts ministries had a hand in her healing and she was even more interested in hearing all she could about GOD. Years later, after my giving my life to JESUS, I found out that she had never personally done this and I was blessed to lead her and several years later my dad into personal relationships with the LORD(all while in prison, PTL!!!.) No wonder I tell people my years in prison were the best time of my life!!!:))) Any way, this isn't that which the LORD had me write this for and I've gotten a little sidetracked. In all these years of being witness to numerous denominations, religions and styles of preaching, I've been raised up to see much that is in error. Many profess things that they say are based on scripture, yet if you search it out, you'll not find the scripture! Many will use scripture, verse by verse and weave an interesting concept from within the written WORD of GOD, yet not what is written, but that which is changed to fulfill their own personal means. I really don't need to go into all these different types of preaching, for most of you know them quite well, you've seen them and listened to them also.

   I'm not going to pick out any of these groups, denominations or whatever they call themselves. But, what I'm going to point out, is the fact that none of these would be in existence today, if people had just read their Bibles for themselves! No one can grow an accepted belief, unless they can fool others into believing that which they teach, and if everyone were well versed in scripture, this couldn't be done in the first place. This though opens the door for those that want to argue over things, and some just to be arguing, not to prove or disprove a fact, but just for the sense of arguing. Which to me has never made sense at all, but there are those that fit this bill. There are means to dispute differences in opinion that should be followed and truly should be, especially in this day and age. But as with everything, there are those that would rather do things their own way, then that which the LORD has laid down for us to follow. But here I'm beginning to go off a little from that which was intended, so I'll stop with that line for the time being. The point is, that people really need to begin reading their Bibles more.  Sure great preaching has its place, but nothing beats knowing the truth for one's self. It's not that preacher on radio or TV that's going to have to state why you should be saved from an eternity in hell, its you and you alone that will have to. It's not the author of some best selling book either, it's you! It's not that apostle or prophet either! So truly, who do you think aught to be the one that knows scripture inside and out, front to back and anyway someone could question you about it? YOU!!!

Other scripture to READ for yourself !!!: Matt. 22: 23-33; Mark 12: 18-27; John 20: 1-10; Rom. 11: 1-10; 2 Tim. 3: 10-17
Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

Prayer request can be sent to:  
Other writing by me, "Blogs from the Vine."

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International

Sunday, April 18, 2010

4.19.10_ Hebrews 2:1-4_ Hey, pay attention!

 Praise the LORD!!!

    What does it take to get your attention? GOD had been active within my life since before I was born, which is true about all of us. But there was something a little more "out of the ordinary" about the amount of time HE was spending within my life. I'm not going to say that I'm some super saint or something, but GOD has been abundantly present within my life for some reason and exactly why, I'm not totally sure of! Yes, I do know that GOD has a great calling upon my life, with VCM and VMNI and all they entail, but there even seems to be a bit more to it then all these. Which I'm fine with, because I've given my life totally over for GOD to use me as HE wills, in whatever way that HE pleases.
   Hebrews 2:1-4

 2 "We must pay more careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away.  2 For if the message spoken by angels was binding, and every violation and disobedience received its just punishment,  3 how shall we escape if we ignore such a great salvation? This salvation, which was first announced by the Lord, was confirmed to us by those who heard him.  4 God also testified to it by signs, wonders and various miracles, and gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed according to his will."

Many of us have fallen asleep when it comes to hearing the voice of GOD within our lives. I know that I had for quite some time. For between the ages of twelve and thirty nine I had been basically running from GOD. I knew that there was a GOD and that at many times within my life HE'd made HIMSELF known to me through works that HE'd caused to happen. Several times I'd even acknowledged HIM and had partially walked in HIS ways, but always seemed to fall back into the same old pattern again and again. Several of these were almost great enough to be considered 'burning bush' types of occurrences, where there wasn't much doubt that GOD had manifested HIMSELF in my life at the time. Still though, I continued to do my own thing and run from HIS loving arms.

Now there is one thing that I've learned since giving everything over to GOD. That is the fact that there is nothing in this world that just happens. There is no such thing as luck or chance, or something just happening. Everything that happens, happens for a reason and GOD is very aware of it. There is nothing that we can say or do, that would surprise GOD. HE's known about it before we've even realized we were going to do it or say it or think it. GOD is far more powerful and present then we really give HIM credit for. For example. GOD knew every word that I'm going to type out here and every thought that I'm going to have while doing it. HE is even aware of any breaks I'm going to take, how long they're be and what I'm going to do while taking them!!! HE is even aware of how someone reading it will be effected, even five or ten years from now! There is nothing that GOD isn't aware of before it ever happens or is conceived in someone's mind and heart.

So if GOD has done all this, throughout HIStory and HE has brought us to the very place we are today in our lives. Why is it that we're still having problems listening to HIM? It all has to do with the fact that HE made each of us to be different, to be a separate individual, to be unique and one of a kind. GOD never wanted us to be like everyone else, to basically be a bunch of replications of each other. Truly would that be  a very interesting world to live in? Where each and everyone of us had the exact same point of view, did everything just the same. No it wouldn't. It actually would be quite boring, there would be no spice to life, no unexpected happenings, nothing to marvel at.

Now this said and done, we come to our verses for today. GOD has brought everything into being, into the exact placement, time and positioning that they're in and HE has laid down certain rules and regulations for us to live within the boundaries of. HE has set all these before us and has made them known to us in many ways. Yet we're still so limited in our being, that we can't hear HIS voice or read the signs. Why? It goes back to our creation as independent beings and our uniqueness. Plus there is a little bit of hardheaded, prideful creation left in each of us. It is not until we can do away with these aspects of our selves that we can fully and totally live the life that GOD has ordained for us to live. Or to do all those things that HE has so graciously planned for us to do. These plans that have been set before us, by GOD, have to await our being in the proper position and state of heart for GOD to allow them to happen. Until we each give ourselves over to GOD, and I mean totally to HIM, nothing held back, can we fully realize that which GOD has meant for us to do within life. There is an eternity ahead of each of us and until we can each cut away at that part of us that we hold onto, that part that is keeping GOD from fully using us, we will continue to live as we do. Not realizing the full life that GOD has so richly planned for us and those that we interact with within our lives. There is a great and marvelous future awaiting each of us, if we would just allow GOD total control of our lives. Now I don't know about you, but I'm going to listen for the slightest whisper from GOD, from now on and I'm going to be prepared to the best of my ability to be in the exact place that HE wants me to be. For in this way, and this way only, can HE put us to the fullest possible use, in the means, and ways that HE has had planned for us since the beginning of time!!! 

Prayer request can be sent to:
For more of my writings, visit: "Blogs from the Vine."

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Praise the LORD!!!

   Today, I've no idea what to write, for I've been busy about the LORD's work. Several hours ago I headed off to bid a job. Since I've not had any funds coming in for the ministry, I've had to go back to providing for things myself. So I went to bid a floor job, for a member of the church and have ended up with a little extra work on top of this it looks. Though I'm charging for the job, it will be far under that which a contractor would charge them. Though it may take a little more time, considering I'll be doing it by myself without any hired labor.

   Now you may wonder why I writing about this? Well to make a long story short, I did more witnessing then I did biding on the work! That right, though Amy is a Christian and attends church on a regular basis, I ended up witnessing more then I have in a long time. I feel awesome, almost floating along instead of walking or sitting. Like I told Amy, I wasn't known for being a very talkative person. I was the one that would sit around at the parties, even while doing acid or speed, and watch everything that was happening and doing very little else. I wouldn't be the person getting up and being the life of the party, though I could hold a fairly good conversation if you could spark my interest in something. I was happier just sitting back and taking it all in, studying people and their actions and traits. Why I never could figure out.

   Since GOD has taken over my life though, there's been a dramatic change. I will get into a conversation and not be able to stop, but there is one tie between the two. I don't waste my time on senseless chatter, seldom will you find me talking about much unless it has to do with GOD. Whether JESUS, the HOLY SPIRIT, the KINGDOM plans for earth, whatever, my conversation will usually be tempered by GOD!!! If you've read my book, Out of the LIGHT, you will know a good deal of the miracles that have taken place within my life, but far from all of them. For GOD has been very busy in my life, from way before birth, right up to the present. There is much that I've most likely forgotten a lot of the details of, though still remembering enough to give GOD the glory for them.

   When I start talking about the LORD and all that HE's done within my life, it's like a switch is thrown and my mouth begins to go into overdrive and the more I talk, the more preaching starts to come forth. If I'm not careful I'll be preaching a sermon or even greater a crusade. That's right, something comes over me(HOLY SPIRIT), and I lose track of everything around me and words just begin to pour out of my heart. I become overwhelmed by a power greater then I can truly put into words and a joy begins to bubble up and overflow me. If you've been a Christian for any length of  of time, you may know the feeling or at least read of someone going through it. If not, I'll fill you in, it is being filled with the SPIRIT, the HOLY SPIRIT has filled me so full that I'm overflowing and it just has to come out. There were numerous times that I found myself in tears while describing things that had happened during my life. Praise the LORD it was awesome and something I truly miss. For at on time, several years back this was happening quite often and my life for the LORD seemed to be moving ahead at a faster rate.

   I believe there was need of a period of grounding, where my feet were more often fixed solidly to the ground and I was less inclined to be "to spiritually minded, to be of any earthly good," as some people told me I was. Well truthfully, I think I'd rather be in those shoes, then the one's fixed to the ground. Ones that are tied to things of this world more so that to the things of the KINGDOM. What does this world have to offer me, that isn't surpassed greatly by the least of things in the KINGDOM? Is there anything of the earth, that isn't overshadowed by the smallest of items of heaven? To both questions the answers are no, for there is nothing of this world that can even begin to compare to anything that GOD has in store for us. I plan, and I pray that the LORD is willing, to seek after that which has gone missing. I seek after that which once was and currently isn't. To once again be filled with the power and presence of the HOLY SPIRIT. Filled to the fullest that is humanly possible and then to PUSH (Pray Until Something Happens) GOD until HE pours out on me that which HE'd blessed me with once before. Truly, I don't know if those around me are ready for this and I really don't know if I care. What I do know is that at one time GOD poured out upon me an abundance of the HOLY SPIRIT like I'd not witnessed before upon anyone, and that I long to be joined once again with HIM in this very same manor and if possible, to an even fuller degree then ever before.

   I don't know if anyone can make heads or tails out of this, but I do know that I've a passion for the LORD that I've not had in some time and I long greatly to be back under the presence of the HOLY SPIRIT like that once again. I love the LORD with all my heart, soul, mind and body and I'm willing to go the full distance even unto my death to tell others about the love that JESUS has  for them. I want to tell all others that there is no greater relationship in all existence then the one all people can have with JESUS, if they will but humble themselves before HIM and ask HIM to forgive them of their sins and come in and take control over their lives for them. For they know that HE is GOD in the flesh and that HE came and died upon the cross for them, paying the price for their sins. Was buried and rose again upon the third day to ascend to the right hand of the FATHER, so that HE may intercede for us before the FATHER until the day we stand before HIM in heaven. Righteous and without sin before a holy and perfect GOD!!!

Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

Prayer request can be sent to:

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International

Friday, April 16, 2010

04.17.10_1 Thes. 24:12,13_LOVE

 Praise the LORD!!!

   1 Thes. 3:12,13

     12 "May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for each other and for everyone else, just as ours does for you. 13 May he strengthen your hearts so that you will be blameless and holy in the presence of our God and Father when our Lord Jesus comes with all his holy ones."

    There has been a decrease in love in this old world of ours! Though you don't hear much about it from anyone, when you should. For this should be a matter upon every Christian's lips. You'll hear about the earthquakes and the growth of the New World Order and the impending end times, but not the fact that the love of mankind is growing sadly weaker. Now this is something that truly should be catching the eyes and hearts of attentive Christians. For it is a sign of the end, in itself(Matt. 24:12). Though it is one of the least thought about signs to come, it should truly be one of the most highly attuned to! Why would I say this? For one simple reason, it is with love and in love that the true Christian is to operate, or at least should operate!

   We are called by CHRIST to love our fellow Christians(John 13:34,35), as well as to love our fellow man(Luke 10:30-37) and to let the world see the love HE has for us, reenacted through our actions and lives. So all that we are ,say and think should revolve around our exhibiting the love of JESUS(Col. 3:17). In our verses today, the apostle Paul is commending and encouraging the Thessalonian Christians for their living in love. For both their current state of being and for them to continue to follow through with an increasing of it. To seldom today, do we hear of many people truly  loving their fellow man. Yes, we do hear the political activist raising their voices along these lines. Plus those of the fringe groups that are only seeking their own rights to love whom ever they want, whether  morally right or not. But when it comes to the people of the world showing their love for all the people of mankind, there is a great and increasing gulf between what is, and what should be.

   Its simple to see, without digging to deeply, that mankind is growing cold and indifferent, more self centered, with everyday that we travel through time. All one has to do is watch the evening news, or check out the internet for a while. Your eyes and ears will gather far more then they could ever desire to have. Murders, assaults, wars and the list goes on indefinitely. Is there any underlying reason for this? Plain and simply put, yes there are several.

   With the increase in awareness and knowledge, man has begun to fall farther and farther away from the GOD ordained position that he is supposed to function in. Instead of our caring about our fellow man, we loath them and would prefer to be as far away from them as possible. I know we hear all the stories about how the internet is drawing people closer together then ever before. Yet, we hear of people marrying an avatar from a video game, because it doesn't disagree with them and they never have to alter their lives to adapt! Yes, you heard me right, this was in the news today(4.16.10). Would something like this take place, if people were truly showing the love of JESUS like they should be?

   We have genocide taking place around the globe, under many different names and those in power do little about it. Now they say, they are working to take humanitarian action against these people doing such things, yet little seems to get done about it at all. How can this be, in a world where almost everyone says they're a humanitarian and looking out for their fellow man? Simply put, they're basically after one thing and one thing alone, self interest. Those in power, that could make the needed changes or influence those that can, don't want to do anything because it would incite others against them. Those high enough up the power chain don't do anything because it would cost them to much if they did, though its not even their money they're spending. The groups that rant and rave about the humanitarian causes do little, because if they make to much of a racket about things they'd just come up missing or their organization just shut down. Would something like this take place, if people were truly showing the love of JESUS like they should be?

   We have a high unemployment rate and a large number of people homeless and many going hungry. Masses around the globe, and thousands right here in this country dieing because of a lack of something within their lives. Whether its from improper healthcare, starvation or protection from some sort of evil (crime, drugs, slavery), people's lives are lacking something, something very important to each and every human alive. That which is missing isn't just love though, it is a love that passes all understanding. A love that would go to the ends of the earth to provide one starving person with food, water and shelter. A love that would even go to the point of self sacrifice to protect one person from human trafficking or slavery. That kind of love comes but from one place my friend and that is a close personal relationship with JESUS CHRIST and nothing but this. So if you see the news today, or are cruising the internet and you read or hear some outlandish story about some tragedy around the globe. Look up and pray to JESUS to give you the strength and the courage to do  something to make a change in the world. Not just for the moment, but one that will change things for a time to come, if not for an eternity!!!

    Now for the main reason that these things are taking place and at a seemingly faster pace then ever before. The statement, "For it is written" should give you a clue! It is GOD ordained, and will happen. Mankind is slowly sliding farther and farther away from GOD with every beat of our hearts and bringing about the second coming of the LORD JESUS. Man is fulfilling that which was written oh so long ago and not even realizing that he is. We've been worrying about all the major world events that are showing the signs of the times, and yet it is the smallest and simplest of things that is truly showing our position in GOD's timeline of HIStory. LOVE!!!

Prayer request can be sent to:

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International

Thursday, April 15, 2010

4.16.10_James 2:15,16_Outreach

  Praise the LORD!!!

     James 2:15,16

    15 "If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food,  16 And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit?" (KJV)  

   Though this installment came about in a differing way then usual, it is one that I've learned to follow. Many times while I'm doing something, I'll have something deeply impressed upon my being. Whether by a vocal source, vision, or just an impression, there is no mistaking their source, for it is of GOD and bears directly upon scripture as a source and fulfillment. I was going about searching for information pertaining to a job I'm arranging for the ministry and during this was led to go to my Bible program. I then typed in what I was lead to and this verse came up and the LORD began to expound it to me. So as usual, you'll be getting the results of the LORD's leading and teaching me or whatever HE plans for it.

   Many times when we do works for the LORD, we'll be taking care of other people's lives in some manor. We'll be assisting them in some way, shape or form to better their lives and hopefully draw them closer to the LORD in the end. Our preforming works as a witness to the love of the LORD for others is basically what most call 'outreach.' The going outside of ourselves or our churches and reaching other people. Thus the familiar word, to most Christians that is, of outreach. Though this was termed under the heading of hospitality in earlier eras. The taking care of others, for the direct purpose of bringing them into a saving knowledge of CHRIST and HIS love for them. Or even before CHRIST, hospitality was a very central aspect of the Hebrew lifestyle and a major way of showing GOD's love for mankind to all others, even those outside of their religion.

   We all know, or we should, that as Christians it is our job to reach out to all those around us and provide a helping hand when needed! We see this happening whenever there is a major disaster or emergency anywhere around the world. Just as with the earthquakes in Haiti and Chile as of the last several months. There would of been a major outcry if people would of mentioned the fact that they had prayed for these people and that was all that was needed, for GOD would take care of the rest of their problems. You can bet that if something like this had been done by any nation, religious group, or non profit, that there would be a media blitz that would of buried them. Any group that would of done something like this would cease to exist.

   But there is a major problem in this world of ours. That is the fact that if it isn't a major news worthy topic, such as these earthquakes, and doesn't break headline news, this practice would be accepted and basically go unnoticed by almost everyone. Now notice, I said almost here and this is the biggest problem for those that want to practice this method. GOD has seen it and I can pretty well say that HE'd not be to happy with those doing such! Most people would agree with this. It is something that is totally outside of the Christian realm of operations, well, at least is supposed to be. This is the problem and it seems to be a major one at that, or I don't think I'd be writing about it in the first place!

  How many times have any of us heard of a tragic event and told the person that we would pray for them over the matter. Now how many times did we pray and then leave it at that? This is where the problem is. Too often, when we can do something, even if it's to the slightest degree, we don't. We pray and place the matter in the LORD's hands and that is that, when there is so much more that we can do about it. Now I said "so much more" and in a way even doing the littlest amount that we can, is "much" more then just putting our prayers into action. It seems like the Christian world has become complacent to be but prayer warriors on their knees and not warriors with hands that get a little dirty now and then. I hate to tell of all the times that while I was on the gulf coast, that I saw Christian groups start out with prayer, which is a must, do a little work and then pack up and leave. I've seen Christians standing by and watch, as another man strain and struggle with something, while they're a distance off just watching it. Never going over to assist.

   Now I myself have been witness to this firsthand, myself being the straining man. When I first started the ministry, I sent out pleas for assistance of any kind, and yes this is still happening, and I only had one ministry respond by any way other then that of offering their prayers. Now, I'm going to tell you that I didn't plan on this getting to this point, but the LORD wants it uncovered. Like with my first walk from Ohio to Texas and the results of it, so to this continues to this day. I've had people say they're going to assist the ministry, yet nothings been done to date. I've had thousands of prayers sent heaven ward, yet not one person has listened to that still quiet voice inside and put motion into action! I can accept this, I really don't care if the ministry ever does anything greater then the works of my own hands. Because I know that I'm doing as led by the LORD, I'm being obedient and this means that I'm in right standings with GOD! If all this ministry ever does, is show that the faith of others is weak and worthless to the LORD, so be it, because this will of been HIS will for it. But I can't imagine HIM doing this though, but anything is possible with GOD, I've come to find this out. GOD has invested hundreds of miracles in my life and to use them all to show that which is lacking within the hearts of so many, doesn't seem feasible to me. GOD usually doesn't expend that much time in a person to use them only to minor purposes. All I can say though is, "may HIS will be done, on earth as it is in heaven!!!"

Prayer request can be sent to:
My other blog, "Blogs from the Vine"

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

4.15.10_When in doubt

 Praise the LORD!!!

     I'm sitting here at the computer this morning. It's raining outside and in general I'm feeling a bit down. Not a deep depression but a weight of not being of much worth to the LORD. This is something that happens every once in awhile to me, especially when I'm not seeing any movement in the ministry physically or in myself spiritually. I've been over all the verses and studied them well. Yet these periods still seem to befall me and drain me when they do. From experience I gather they're part of my growing in the LORD. A time of plateau or valley within my life to bring about a realization that there are times in every Christian's life that they feel this way. I've read numerous testimonies of others, that though they've large ministries or churches, they too admit that they have had these times also. So it is basically, something every Christian needs to be ready for.

    How can you be ready for something like this? One moment you're feeling on top of the world and the next you're feeling as if the world is on top of you! Since I'm in front of my computer and I've my free online Bible study( open(since I can't run Logos and be online), I typed in "when in doubt." Within seconds, I've the first list up and ready to read through. The first reading listed is Matt.14:22-33, one I should be familiar with. Especially considering that it is where Peter "stepped out of the boat."  If you read this whole section, you realize that JESUS knew all these events were going to take place, right from the start. HE told the disciples to leave and go to the other side of the lake. HE then dismissed the people and went up on the mountainside to pray and then HE just took a leisurely stroll out to the boat where HIS teaching on faith was to take place(LORD, to have that kind of faith!!!).

   The next section of verses is, Mark 11:20-24, another well read and known faith teaching. The parable of the fig tree, where CHRIST cursed the fig tree one day and the next it was dried up and dead and HE went into the discourse on our faith and prayers united in strength together. Where as, through our unwavering faith, if we pray for the impossible, by man's standards, to be done and we doubt not in the least, they will be done for us in the name of JESUS. You can count on the fact that I prayed after reading this!!!

    Next, I'm led to James 1:2-8, where we're told about our sufferings are a means of growth. For through them we gain perseverance and it is not a finished work, but an ongoing operation within us. Something that develops over time and through the testing of our faith to make us into a faithful warrior who does not waver with every change within our life. For one that is without perseverance, is like one tossed about like a wave of the ocean, ever changing, with every change of teaching or tribulation that comes their way. Not a very good attitude to have and one where a great need for wisdom is needed. So we can tell the difference between that which is of GOD and that which is not.

   Now the list on the study goes on for quite a bit, and I'm not going to give you all the verses, this would be more of a book then a devotional if I did that. But I will go with one more, for in a way it is where the LORD  left the disciples just before HIS ascension. Matt. 28:16-17(18-20) are these verses, because they speak of our doubting, our lack of faith. Yet this is also where the LORD graces us with our calling, assigning us the "Great Commission." For a second my mind came to rest on the fact that, for one moment some of the disciples were doubting, what they're doubting, we've no idea. But they are and the next thing we know, JESUS tells them how all power in heaven and earth has been given to HIM and they then receive the Great Commission and then HE's taken up right before their eyes. Want to talk about one powerful way to get a point across to those that are doubting. The point, that no matter what it is, how much you have to suffer through, or for how long, the LORD says, "My grace is sufficient for you(2 Cor. 12:9)." That is all that needs to be remembered!!!

    So the next time trials and tribulations, or extended sufferings, or even just plain old everyday pressures of the world get me down, I'm going to relate to these verses. Now with a memory like 'Swiss cheese,' I may just have to type in the same search words or have to look up this devotional, but I'll find some way to jog my memory of these, LORD willing. Now I don't know about you, or your walk with the LORD. Or how often you also go through this type of "valley" within your life. But since I 'stepped out of the boat' last year and laid my life totally in the hands of the LORD, they've been more often and more intense. I know the reason for this oh so well though. For as we grow in faith and maturity in our walks, the adversary is going to be upon us even more so, and this is the way that the LORD prepares us to stand strong while under these attacks. The LORD knows more about us and our weaknesses and strengthens, then you can imagine. HE knows our past failures and our future triumphs and everything that it is going to take to bring us through to the day of victory. The fact is, that we are the ones that need to have the faith to realize this, and to stand strong upon the ROCK of our SALVATION, and know that the victory is ours through the power of JESUS CHRIST our LORD and SAVIOR!!!  

    Some other verses from this search on faith and doubting: Matt. 21:18-22; Luke 24:33-43; Acts 28:1-10; Rom. 14:14-23; Jude 20-23
Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

*** A note here- the Bible study site mentioned, can be signed up on freely and is still in development, so will be improving with time. It is also connected with what I think to be the premier Bible study program going, though a bit expensive. Check it out, you might just enjoy it. They're also the source of the programing where you roll the cursor over one of the references here and it brings up the verse in whatever Bible version you have it set to, in both my blogs! So try them out, its free and only takes a couple of minutes.***

Prayer request can be sent to:

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

4.14.10_ Thinking

 Praise the LORD!!!

   Today's entry will be something totally different from the past. Not that which will become a standard practice, but a once off the cuff type of deal (maybe? you never know with GOD!!!) This has happened because I've had a good bit of time to reflect on things here in the last several days. The weather, though it's warmed up, has also become wet and electrified, not good for computer time. I've had short spurts of time online due to this and have had plenty of time in the WORD hardcopy style.

    As many of you know I'm working on setting up Vine of CHRIST Ministries first office and DROC in Kingsville, Texas. Doing this totally on my own, though I've several people assisting via the internet. Totally out of pocket as far as expenses. Currently not working for anyone but the LORD, so I've no income but that which comes into the ministry. Which to date, has been slim pickings, under a thousand dollars. This kept me in a motel and feed during my early days in Kingsville and has supplied my personal hygiene needs since being taken in by a host family, 6 months ago. With this money I've also purchased the basic tools needed to the work that I've done to date.

   As I was sitting here thinking, the thought came to mind of "what would I do, if someone came up and gave me say $100K, or more." Now with the size of that which the LORD has shown me VCM will someday be, this could be spent in minutes when the ministry is at it's peak, but for now, it'd have to be spent reasonably and with much thought invested!!!

  •    One of the first things that would be done would be to find housing of my own. Not to purchase, but to rent for the mean time. Not something grandiose, but simple and efficient. Maybe in one of the smaller neighborhoods or apartment complexes. I've been very blessed to have the host family that has taken me in. Not many people would take in a total stranger and house them for over six months. Not many at all. This is why this would be the first thing done, so I can lift this burden from upon their shoulders and take it on myself. I never intended and didn't think the LORD was either, for this to of lasted this long, but it has and does need to change in some way. With this move there would of coarse be those needed items of living that would have to be gathered. I think most of my readers are old enough to of lived on their own at sometime or another and would know all these items.
  •   A form of cheap transportation and insurance for it. This would have to be a used truck. Something pretty good on gas, but big enough to do some hard work if the need arises. There would also be the need of a small enclosed trailer, something to transport and protect the additional tools that would be purchased . Because there would be a definite increase in works being done in the area and people to do these also.
  •   Then there would be a building for the ministry to begin setting up operations out of. There are several that I've looked at, and money dependent on which of them would be taken into consideration. For a rental, would be the one next to Bay Area Fellowship, if not the two of them there. These would be to set up an office and a thrift store/food pantry and general operations center up in. This would have to be stocked with a large amount of items. Everything from computers, office supplies and furniture, to the items need to start the thrift store/food pantry functioning. Once this was done these would operate totally off of donations, with an occasional boost to keep it well stocked. If the funding was great enough, there would be the purchase of buildings or land with the construction of new buildings upon it.
    Now, just in case you've not noticed, but most everything listed here has to do with the ministry. Rightfully so, because my life is about the ministry and nothing but!!! Sure I've personal needs and besides the fact of wanting to remove the burden from upon my host family's shoulders there is little else that I really care about. I've no family that wants to be part of my life, because I focus "to much" on the LORD and not those things of the world. Some day, LORD willing I may have a helpmate to walk beside me in the ministry but she'd have to be soldout on the LORD first and foremost also. Few people understand what it is like to open their eyes and only think about or see that which you can do to bring glory to the name of JESUS,  this not just a once in a while thing, but a day in day out 24/7/365 until the LORD calls you home life. This is that which I live and only that!!!

    I can hear people now, I wasn't born yesterday and have been online since 99, "ya right, he'd be living high on the hog and none would get spent like this." Well to any that are thinking this, all I can say is this, "the LORD knows my heart and that which HE's called me to and let this happen and you shall see the fruit, just as I've stated.!!!" All I need are the funds to prove it. Any takers?

    Now since this is a devotional blog, though I'm being led to post it to other sites, what would you do with that kind of money being given to you? Where is your life focused and could you prove it?

Prayer request can be sent to:

My other blog site: "Blogs from the Vine"
GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International

Monday, April 12, 2010

4.13.10_Heb.9:22_Without blood (a re post)

***Due to the weather here, I've got to speed a re post out, the weathers going to turn foul again here in a bit and I've not time to do honor to the LORD in such a short time!***

Praise the LORD!!!
   It is an awesome day! Why? GOD has graced me with another day of life to glorify HIS precious name!!!

   "In fact, the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness."

   Though we as Christians are not bound by the laws of the Jews, we are bound by the laws of GOD! Now I'm not talking about those of doing right from wrong(not at this time), I'm talking about those laws that govern our very existence. The laws of nature are always followed by nature, as if they have the choice, we as humans are the only things in creation (besides the angels) that have this option. We can chose how we will exist within this life and constantly exert this it within our lives.

   The establishment of this law goes all the way back to the 'Garden of Eden' when GOD slayed an animal to make the coverings for Adam and Eve after their sin. There was blood spilled to cover their sins and as with all of GOD's laws, has been carried down throughout HIStory! If we look throughout scripture it will be plain to see, that whenever man has transgressed the laws of GOD, there was the need to cover it with the blood of a sacrifice. Though most all of these were only a partial covering, the perfect sacrifice that JESUS made upon the cross for us is a complete one. Never having to be repeated, as those of the temple were, year in and year out. JESUS laid down HIS life for us, covering all our sins to date and those within our futures also. It is but our chore to accept this and believe that we shall obtain to that which HE has promised, forgiveness of our sins and eternal life through HIS resurrection. (If you haven't accepted JESUS' gift to you yet, maybe you should really think about it, TODAY!)

  No those that practice religion can make no sense of this fact. For they can only see that they must preform certain task, or works, to receive their salvation and eternal destiny. Yet we lay it all down to believe in the selfless act of one person alone and this not being ourselves. they can't see that with this spilling of the blood JESUS cleansed all the sins for humanity, past, present and future. They can only see that they themselves must provide the good works, prayers, penitence or what ever they want to term it. It is not by works of our hands at all, no matter how good a person is, it is only by the one perfect sacrifice that the attonement for our sins can be accomplished. By the blood of JESUS CHRIST, spilled upon Calvary's hill can any man be saved, by the grace of GOD. All one must do is accept these facts, believing that JESUS is the SON of GOD, that HE came and carried our sins to the cross, that HE was buried and rose again upon the third day and they can have the forgiveness of their sins and eternal life!!!

   How are your sins forgiven? Are they placed at the foot of the cross, were they bore upon that cross by JESUS? Or are you still trying to live the 'good' life and trying to work it all out by yourself? If there is the slightest doubt within your heart as to what life holds for you now or after you pass away, seek out the truth about JESUS and the truth can be settled today, once and for all !!!     

Use these verses, but don't stop with them, cross reference and seek out GOD from within HIS WORD!!!

Prayer request can be sent to:

GOD bless and good day,

Rev. Marshall Barth

Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Vine Ministerial Network International


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